FAQs for Job Seekers

Where can I get help with my resume, cover letter, interview skills, etc?

Here are some basic tips from our Summer Jobs brochure. You should also have a look at the Resources for Job Seekers section of our website.

For detailed information about job skills and work habits that employers look for, see the Ontario Skills Passport.

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Does the Ontario government have summer jobs for students?

The Ontario government supports many summer job opportunities, including:

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I'm having trouble finding a job. What can I do?

First, review your job search tools and methods to make sure you're exploring all of your options in the most effective ways.

Next, you may want to find the organization delivering Job Connect in your area. The Job Connect program helps people plan, prepare for and succeed in the job market.

If you're still having trouble, you might want to consider creating your own job. The Ontario government has several services to help you start up and run a successful business.

You may also contact Employment Ontario for help.

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My disability is making it hard to find work. What should I do?

In addition to the services available to all Ontarians, the Ontario Disability Support Program provides supports to people with disabilities who want and are able to work.

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How do I make a complaint if I believe an employer has unfair hiring practices?

Workers in Ontario have both rights and responsibilities under the law. You'll find lots of information on these and other topics in the What Workers Want to Know section of the ServiceOntario Workplace Gateway website. You may also want to review the Employment Standards information on the Ministry of Labour website.

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How can Employment Ontario help me?

Employment Ontario is Ontario's employment and training network. We want to help you get the training, education, skills and experience you need to achieve your goals. We want to connect people looking for work with employers looking for workers. You can access Employment Ontario in three ways: by telephone, online or in person. Descriptions of Employment Ontario services are available in 23 languages. If you already know the kind of service you need, you can use this website to find services in your area.

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