Opening Doors for Guidance Counsellors

The Ontario government is committed to ensuring the province has the highly skilled workforce needed to attract jobs and investment in the 21st Century. This site provides guidance counsellors with information they need to help students prepare for the full range of opportunities available after high school. It provides information about Ontario’s labour market that will help you better understand workforce trends as well as occupation-specific information about selected professions and trades.

In addition, the site includes:

  • Skills Connect, a guide to the wide range of rewarding career opportunities in the skilled trades.

  • Passport to Prosperity, an employer-to-employer network that will help you introduce school-to-work programs in your workplace. For an update on recent activity, click here. For local community contact information, click here. You can visit Passport to Prosperity's home page.

  • CareerMATTERS provides you with information to help you make smart choices as you think about your education, training and career options. This site contains the entire Ontario high school curriculum and a Student Planner that helps you track your progress toward your diploma and highlights of apprenticeship training, college, university and other post-secondary programs

  • Publication Order Form, a full listing of materials that will help students understand the range of opportunities available in the skilled trades.