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APTS Vendor Reporting


APTS - NIL Reporting Portal

How to Use the Template

The template contains various worksheets dependant on the products or services purchased, leased or rented under Procurement Policy & Information Technology Procurement Branch's (PPITPB) corporate agreements. The following list identifies which worksheet(s) and instructions should be used to report usage by SA/Agreement # and the Common Reporting Field Instructions applies to all SA/Agreement reporting. The template must be downloaded on a monthly basis from PPITPB's website and the General worksheet must be completed selecting the vendor name and the reporting period.
No New Business

If there is no new business for the reporting period, the General worksheet must be completed. Select the vendor name, the reporting period and no data for this month and submit with the proper file naming convention to PPITPB's email (

File Naming Convention

Once the template has been completed, the vendor must submit the Excel spreadsheet as an attachment of an email to PPITPB's email ( no later than 10 Business Days after the end of each reporting period.

As a naming convention, the name of each Excel file must include a vendor name, an agreement number and reporting period.

where the first prefix is the vendor name, the second prefix is the Agreement Number, the third prefix is the month and the year(MMMYY) the sales were reported for.

Need Assistance

Should you require assistance in completing the template, send an email to

APTS Vendor Reporting Template MS Excel File - September 2006
Instructional Template (Revised - July 2006) MS Excel File - rev Sep 2006
Instructions for Cellular Airtime Equipment Sheet Adobe Acrobat File
Instructions for Equipment Sheet Adobe Acrobat File
Instructions for Photocopier/Fax Sheet Adobe Acrobat File
Instructions for Multifunctional Devices Sheet Adobe Acrobat File
Instructions for Services Sheet (Revised - Sep 19, 2005) Adobe Acrobat File
Instructions for Software Solutions Sheet Adobe Acrobat File
Instructions for Wireless Services Sheet Adobe Acrobat File
Sample Services Reporting Adobe Acrobat File
Instructions for MS Large Account Resellers Sheet Adobe Acrobat File

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