Government of Ontario
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About This site

About This site

Welcome to the new Government of Ontario portal for online information and services. The new site contains a number of new features designed to provide easy access to the information and services you seek. We encourage you to explore the site, but to get you started, here is a quick overview of some of the major new features:



  • PERSONALIZE NOW lets you customize the new site for even faster access to the content that matters to you through one convenient, easy-to-use page.
  • Once you have set up your account, when you return to the site, simply click LOGIN to load your personalized page.
  • To get started, click PERSONALIZE NOW and follow the instructions


To provide you with quick access to as much content as possible, several new navigation features have been added to the site.

  • green arrow A green arrow indicates either a link to additional content or will open up more navigation options on the page
  • CHOOSE A MINISTRY For example, clicking the arrow next to CHOOSE A MINISTRY will open a list of links to all government ministry websites
  • LIFE EVENTSAlternately, if you do not wish to view specific content, you may collapse certain sections, such as YOUR GOVERNMENT and LIFE EVENTS
  • News scrollbarNews scrollbar: The News section features a scrollbar on the right that you can use to scroll through additional news items
  • searchIf you wish to navigate your own way through the site, you may use the search function. Simply click in the search box, enter your term and click GO
  • navigation historyNavigation history: With the navigation history, you can see where you are within the site at any point and you can navigate your way back to the parent section.

Popular Topics

The POPULAR TOPICS section contains links to important information for Ontario residents and visitors. Simply find the topic you seek and select the link for an overview of the topic and how to get it done.

Life Events

The LIFE EVENTS section provides access to available government information and services for important events through a single access point. For more information on any topic, click its link.

Premier McGuinty's site
Fairness - It's Time for Fairness for All Canadians
Newcomer to Ontario
Visiting Ontario
This site is maintained by the Government of Ontario, Canada.


Copyright information:© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2005
Last Modified: November 24, 2006