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Standard Offer Program (EB-2005-0463 / EB-2006-0226)

One of the Board’s key business objectives is to help meet Ontario’s challenges for renewal of energy infrastructure and supply. The Board intends to complete a review of OEB codes, rules, licences and other regulatory instruments to ensure that they facilitate investment in new generation capacity, the development of renewable energy, enhanced connectivity to the electricity grid, conservation initiatives and congestion –reducing transmission expansions.

This work is in part a follow-up to work done in late 2003 to standardize connection procedures and requirements for generation attached to local distribution systems.

In addition, the Chair of the Ontario Energy Board received a letter from the Minister of Energy asking the OEB to cooperate with the Ontario Power Authority in developing the terms and conditions for a standard offer program for small generators embedded in the distribution system that use clean or renewable resources.

The Board has proposed amendment to codes as required.




Nov 8-06

Please note that there is no change to any of the Distribution System Code or Retail Settlement Code amendments issued by the Board on October 30, 2006.

Nov 3-06

Today, the Board issued an Application Form for Electricity Generator Licence for Standard Offer Program participants.

Nov 1-06

The Board issued a letter confirming its October 11, 2006 determination that the current provisions of the Retail Settlement Code (RSC) in relation to load customers and the amendments to the RSC contained in the Board’s Notice of Amendments to the Distribution System Code and the RSC issued on October 31, 2006 are appropriate at this time.

Oct 30-06

The Board released amendments to the Distribution System Code and the Retail Settlement Code. The amendments facilitate the connection of embedded generation facilities to distribution systems and address related settlement issues.

Oct 12-06

Submissions on the Board's proposed amendments to the Distribution System Code and the Retail Settlement Code (RSC) and on the Determination under section 1.8 of the RSC.

Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA)

• Submission

Electricity Distributors Association (EDA) • Submission (Determination)

Electricity Distributors Association (EDA)

• Submission

Energy Box • Submission (Determination)

Enersource Hydro Mississauga

• Submission


• Submission

J. Menéndez, P. Eng.

• Submission

London Hydro

• Submission

Hydro One Networks Inc. • Submission (Determination)

Hydro One Networks Inc.

• Submission

North Bay Hydro

• Submission

Ontario Water Power Association

• Submission

Ontario Power Generation (OPG)

• Submission

Ontario Sustainable Energy Association (OSEA)

• Submission

The Power Workers' Union (PWU)

• Submission

Renewable Energy Task Team (RETT)

• Submission

Rodan Energy & Metering Solutions Inc.

• Submission

Sky Generation Inc.

• Submission

Waterloo North Hydro Inc. • Submission (Determination)

Waterloo North Hydro Inc.

• Submission

Windrush Energy

• Submission

Oct 11-06

The Board issued for comment its rules referred in the Notice of Proposal to Amend a Code released September 26, 2006. The rules are a clarification of settlement rules for embedded retail generators that enter into contracts with the Ontario Power Authority. Comments are due October 18, 2006.

Sep 26-06

The Board released Notice of Proposed Code Amendments to aid connection of distributed generation. These amendments will support the Standard Offer Contracts of the OPA. Comments are due October 10, 2006.

Mar 21-06

Recommendations making it easier for small electricity generators in Ontario to operate could be in place as early as this fall, according to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) and the Ontario Power Authority (OPA), the joint authors of a new Report.

Dec 2-05

The Board has received comments on the Staff Discussion Paper.

Nov 17-05

Today, the Board released a Staff Discussion Paper for comment on issues regarding development of the Standard Offer Program. Comments are due by Wednesday, November 30, 2005.

Oct 26-05

The OPA announced dates and process for consultation with stakeholders on price and eligibility.

Oct 11-05

The Board and the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) today jointly issued a letter on the development of the Standard Offer Program.

Aug 19-05

The Chair received a letter from the Minister on developing a Standard Offer Program.

Dec 22-03

The Board issued amendments to the Distribution System Code to allow for standardization, consistency and clarity with regards to procedures and requirements for facilitating connection of new generation facilities to local distribution systems.



• Questions to Ask When Considering Selling Electricity
• How to Get Connected


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This page last updated November 8, 2006 by webmaster@oeb.gov.on.ca.
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