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December 1, 2005

5,000 New Best Start Child Care Spaces Now Created In Ontario

Best Start Helping Families Find Convenient, Affordable Child Care

HAMILTON — Ontario municipalities have already created more than 5,000 new Best Start child care spaces to help prepare Ontario's young children for school, Minister of Children and Youth Services Mary Anne Chambers announced today.

Minister Chambers announces that 5,000 Best Start child care spaces have been created in Ontario.

Municipal officials indicate that with funding from the province, they will be able to create more than 12,500 new Best Start child care spaces by April 2006.  That is more than half of the three-year goal of 25,000 spaces by April 2008.

"This is a huge milestone for Ontario families," said Chambers.  "Our municipal partners have worked diligently to create more high quality child care spaces for those families who want licensed child care.  This is helping parents balance the demands of work and families while providing high quality learning and care for their children."

The province is delivering approximately $1.1 billion in federal funds between 2005 and 2008 to support Best Start across Ontario. 

"Under Best Start we plan to create 748 child care spaces by April 2006, including 362 spaces that have already been created," said Hamilton Mayor Larry Di Ianni.  "We are helping give our children the best possible start in life so they arrive in Grade 1 ready to learn."

Chambers joined Di Ianni to make the announcement at St. David Catholic Elementary School in Hamilton.  The centre will soon open 36 new child care spaces under Best Start.  Of these, 20 will be for children in junior and senior kindergarten.  These children will soon attend kindergarten for half a day and high-quality child care for the other half, in the same school.

Kindergarten students, parents and staff at the St. David Catholic Elementary School in Hamilton, where Minister Chambers made the announcement.

St. David is also one of seven new Best Start hubs that will be created in Hamilton East – one of three model communities in Ontario that are immediately implementing the full Best Start vision.  These hubs will provide one-stop services for families. The hubs, to be located in elementary schools wherever possible, are bringing together children's services including screening, assessment and, where appropriate, treatment, in addition to child care and parenting programs. They will also link to other specialized children's services, such as mental health services, and speech and language therapy.

When fully implemented over the next 10 years, Best Start will include:

  • A massive expansion of child care, predominantly in Ontario's publicly funded schools
  • More child care subsidies so that more families can access quality, affordable child care spaces
  • Best Start neighborhood hubs that provide one-stop services for families in communities across Ontario
  • Universal newborn screening and support by public health nurses and ongoing services to identify needs early and provide vital developmental supports sooner
  • A comprehensive 18-month well baby checkup.

"We support the Best Start vision and will facilitate communities and schools working together to provide integrated learning, care and parental support," said Education Minister Gerard Kennedy. "We're giving children the best chance for healthy early development so they're prepared to build the skills they need to succeed in school."

"Best Start is the largest investment in child care and early learning in Ontario's history," said Chambers.  "It reflects our government's commitment to Ontario's children and is consistent with our government's priorities of health, education and economic prosperity."

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