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Programs and Services

Home / Programs and Services

Programs and Services
  Best Start
  Child Protection
  Foster Care
  Northern Ontario Grant Assistance Program
  Child and Family Service Advocacy
  Children with Special Needs
  Youth Justice Services

Programs and Services

The Ministry of Children and Youth Services provides funding for child welfare, family intervention services, youth justice services, children's community support services, children's mental health services, and child care. 
These services:
  • promote healthy growth and child development
  • protect children from abuse and neglect (or those at risk of abuse and neglect)
  • provide temporary or permanent guardianship for children separated from their families
  • place children for adoption
  • provide prevention and early intervention supports
  • provide counselling and treatment for children with emotional or behavioural problems and mental disorders. 

Services include: behavioural intervention for children with autism; services and supports to children with special needs; and other supports to children and youth at high risk.

Best Start
Child Protection
Foster Care
Northern Ontario Grant Assistance Program
Child and Family Service Advocacy
Children with Special Needs
Youth Justice Services


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Last Modified: 1/6/2005 5:22:46 PM