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Caring for your new baby

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Best Start: Helping Young Children Get the Best Start in Life

We want the best for Ontario's babies and children. That means making sure they get the best possible start in life.

That's why we've launched Best Start. It's our plan for healthy development, early learning and child care during a child's first years. We want children in Ontario to be ready and eager to learn by the time they start Grade 1.

When fully implemented, Best Start will provide an integrated system of services that seamlessly support families with children from their birth right through their transition into Grade 1. These services include quality child care, public health and parenting programs, as well as newborn and infant screening programs, hearing programs and speech and language therapy programs to help identify supports for children who need extra attention for healthy early development.

Caring for your new baby:  Healthy Babies Healthy Children

Healthy Babies Healthy Children is a prevention/early intervention initiative designed to help families promote healthy child development and help their children achieve their full potential.  This free voluntary program is offered to pregnant women and families with young children through local Public Health Units.

What funding and/or service(s) are provided under the Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program?

Healthy Babies Healthy Children consists of six services:

  1. All families with young children can be screened for any risks to healthy child development.  Screening can occur prenatally, postpartum and/or anytime up to age six;
  2. Families with young children are assessed for level of risk to healthy child development.  Assessment can occur prenatally, postpartum and/or anytime up to age six;
  3. All new parents who consent to being contacted receive a phone call within 48 hours of being discharged from the hospital. New parents are offered a home visit from a public health nurse, and are provided with information on other parenting resources available in the community.  These community nursing services are available to all families of newborns in Ontario, and are designed to help mothers and newborns make the transition from hospital to the community;
  4. Recommendations for other services for families with young children who are at low to moderate risk of problems with healthy child development, and formal referrals to services for families who are at high risk of problems with healthy child development;
  5. Home visits from peer or lay home visitors as well as from public health nurses for families with young children who are at high risk of problems with healthy child development; and
  6. Service planning and co-ordination for families with young children who are at high risk of problems with healthy child development.
Who is eligible for this program?

Healthy Babies Healthy Children is designed to:

  • Give all families in Ontario the information and support they need to give their children a healthy start in life; and
  • Provide more intensive services and supports for families with children who may need special assistance to reach their full potential.
How do I apply for this program?

Doctors, midwives, or nurses will introduce most new parents to the Healthy Babies Healthy Children program at the hospital at the time of the birth of their child, or before or after the birth of their child.  All new parents who agree to be contacted will receive a phone call within 48 hours of being discharged from the hospital and they will be offered a home visit.

Families with children up to the age of six can also contact the program if they have concerns about their child's development.  Find the nearest Healthy Babies Healthy Children program by contacting your local Public Health Unit.


For More Information

If you need more information about the Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program, contact  your local Public Health Unit or visit the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care website.  Or, call the ministry INFOline at 1-800-268-1154 (Toll-free in Ontario only).  In Toronto, call 416-314-5518 TTY 1-800-387-5559.


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