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Planning and Design Guidelines for Child Care Centres

January 2006



Purpose of the Guide 


The purpose of this Guide is to provide guidance in the planning, design and renovation of licensed child care centres and licensed nursery school facilities.


The Guide is intended to support the development of facilities that are child and family-oriented, environmentally safe and secure, promote healthy growth, are aesthetically pleasing, functional in their design, and cost effective to operate. The centre design, use of space and colour, safety and security considerations, are crucial to the child's development and experience.


The Guide is intended to provide a tool for operators and their consultants in designing a child care facility as well as for Licensing Staff with the Ministry of Children and Youth Services (MCYS) who have the responsibility for assessing appropriateness of design proposals in meeting licensing standards.


Users of this Guide


This Guide is intended to be used by all individuals involved in the site selection, design, and operation of a child care centre in the province of Ontario.



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Last Modified: 3/7/2006 9:26:38 PM