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The Expert Panel on an Early Learning Program

The panel’s report is expected to be submitted to the ministry by late fall 2006.


Panel Members


  • Chair: Jane Bertrand, Executive Director, Atkinson Centre for Society and Child Development, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto


  • Dr. Judith Bernhard, Professor, School of Early Childhood Education, Ryerson University
  • Jan Blaxall, Professor, Early Childhood Education Program, Fanshawe College
  • Jaynane Burning Fields, Children’s Initiatives Manager, Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres
  • Mary Gordon, President/Founder, Roots of Empathy
  • Marie Goulet, Professor, Faculty of Early Childhood Development, George Brown College
  • Janice Greenberg, Program Manager, Learning, Language and Loving It Program, The Hanen Centre
  • Josée Latulippe, Président, Association francophone à l’éducation des services à l’enfance de l’Ontario
  • Joan Littleford, Executive Assistant, Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario
  • Claire Maltais, Faculté d’éducation, Université d’Ottawa
  • Dr. Jannette Pelletier, Professor, Institute of Child Study, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
  • Dr. Bonnie Schmidt, President, Let’s Talk Science
  • Kathy Thompson, Consultants/Co-ordinators’ Association of Primary Educators, District School Board of Niagara
  • Petr Varmuza, Director, Organizational Effectiveness, Children’s Services, City of Toronto
  • Louise Zimanyi, The Consultative Group on Early Childhood Care and Development, Faculty of Community Services, Ryerson University

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