Regulatory Document Search (RDS)

Welcome to the OEB Regulatory Document Search page. Here you can search certain regulatory documents issued by the Ontario Energy Board. Types of regulatory documents available for searching include: Decisions, Orders, Transcripts, Notices, Procedural Orders, Board Reports and Licences.

Note: Many of the rules and directions issued by the Board are located on the Rules, Codes and Guidelines page. These documents are not yet available on the RDS page.

To search Board regulatory documents, type one or more search terms (the words or phrase that best describe the information you want to find) into the search box and hit the 'Enter' key or click the Search button. Note: the search engine is not case sensitive. The search returns PDF documents as well as corresponding text versions that highlight search criteria onscreen for easier viewing. Searching within PDF documents is also possible using the search tool in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

For more focused results, it’s best to narrow your search as much as possible (i.e., be as descriptive as possible in your search words). For example, in the search field, include any of the following descriptors: document type, case/proceeding number (e.g. RP-2004-0045), applicant name, Board Member name, date, etc. To search an exact phrase, put quotation marks around your search terms. This is helpful for searching proper names. Read our Search Tips (click or mouse-over)...

For more search options, visit Advanced Search.

For technical inquiries, please contact Mehdi Raza at

All public regulatory documents are available for viewing in the Board's Public File Room at 2300 Yonge Street, Toronto. Please call ahead (416-440-7645) to arrange a visit.