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Labour Market Information

Ontario Labour Market Information Guide

Labour market information (LMI) is information concerning the conditions in, and the operations of, the market for labour. The labour market - like other markets - can be described in terms of supply and demand components. The supply side primarily refers to the number of potential workers and their characteristics whereas the demand side refers to employers' staffing requirements. In the labour market, labour services are exchanged and it is the interaction of the workers and firms that determines, in part, the price of labour, the number of workers employed, and the working conditions attached to employment such as the work schedule and specific duties.

This Guide is designed to make the important world of LMI more understandable and accessible. In particular, it:

  • Describes how labour markets work;
  • Presents key labour market definitions and calculations;
  • Provides a brief background on interpreting labour market statistics;
  • Discusses some key LMI data sources; and
  • Highlights the major classification systems used in Canada for organizing employment data by occupation and industry.

This Guide should be particularly useful to: job seekers, students, guidance counsellors, corporate trainers, human resource professionals, community agencies, and Local Boards of Ontario.

The Guide is available for download in PDF format, below :

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The documents is available in Acrobat PDF format. A FREE copy of the software required to view Acrobat PDF files is available for downloading. The Adobe website is created by an organization outside of the Ontario government which is solely responsible for the information contained therein.

Visiting Ontario

Did you know?

  • In October 2006, there were 10,270,700 people of working age (15 years and over) in Ontario.
  • There were 6,926,900 people in Ontario’s labour force according to Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey for October 2006.  Thus, 67.4 of Ontario’s working age population were either employed or actively seeking employment.  This percentage is also known as the labour force participation rate.
  • As of October 2006, there were 6,485, 500 people working in Ontario, 82% of them full-time. 
  • Another 441,400 people were looking for jobs.  This represented an unemployment rate of 6.4 for Ontario in October 2006.

This site is maintained by the Government of Ontario, Canada.


Copyright information:© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2005
Last Modified: November 24, 2006