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Labout Market Information
Labour Market Information

The Ontario Government provides labour market information to help individuals and businesses make informed decisions about careers, education, employment, and business plans.

Labour market information provides valuable insights into labour market conditions and trends in Ontario, as well as in specific regions or communities in the province.

Labour market information helps individuals determine which occupations suit their aptitudes and interests, where the jobs are, and which occupations have the best prospects. It also helps people locate the most appropriate training and educational resources.

Employers benefit from a range of labour market information such as salary surveys, demographic trends, industry statistics and information on workplace innovation  for developing business plans and human resource strategies, and for making investment and location decisions. 

Visiting Ontario

Did you know?

  • In October 2006, there were 10,270,700 people of working age (15 years and over) in Ontario.
  • There were 6,926,900 people in Ontario’s labour force according to Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey for October 2006.  Thus, 67.4 of Ontario’s working age population were either employed or actively seeking employment.  This percentage is also known as the labour force participation rate.
  • As of October 2006, there were 6,485, 500 people working in Ontario, 82% of them full-time. 
  • Another 441,400 people were looking for jobs.  This represented an unemployment rate of 6.4 for Ontario in October 2006.

This site is maintained by the Government of Ontario, Canada.


Copyright information:© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2005
Last Modified: November 24, 2006