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Remarks On A Strong Team For A Strong Ontario

October 30, 2007 - We are inspired by those we serve - the people of Ontario. News Release: Strong Team To Move Ontario Forward Backgrounder: Parliamentary Assistants Backgrounder: The Executive Council Of Ontario Video: Government Swearing-In

Remarks On A Strong Ontario For A Strong Canada

August 7, 2007 - OAKVILLE — Ontario can take on the world - and win. News Release: Premier Urges Federal Government To Join Ontario’s Economic Plan

Remarks At The Shared Air Summit

June 20, 2007 - TORONTO — Climate change is a crisis we caused together, and a responsibility we all share, together. To reject that responsibility would be careless, reckless, perhaps even sinful. The earth isn’t ours — if it belongs to anyone, it belongs to our children. And they are counting on us. News Release: McGuinty Government Sets Ambitious, Realistic Greenhouse Gas Targets Backgrounder: The McGuinty Government’s Environmental Accomplishments and Commitments

Remarks on the Report of the Ipperwash Public Inquiry

May 31, 2007 - QUEEN'S PARK — This report, Mr. Speaker, speaks to something profound — even historic. It speaks to a shared desire among us all for healing, for reconciliation, and for a new beginning.

Remarks At The Growth Plan Summit Luncheon

May 17, 2007 - Let me welcome you to Toronto. And whether you’ve come here from across the continent, across the country or just around the corner, I sincerely hope you’ll take the opportunity to explore Toronto, enjoy the scenery and soak up the atmosphere of this great city.

Premier McGuinty and Canadian Auto Workers President Buzz Hargrove meet in Port Elgin.

Remarks to Canadian Auto Workers

April 13, 2007 - PORT ELGIN — We can have a strong auto industry in a strong Ontario. Video: Premier McGuinty Meets With Canadian Auto Workers

Premier McGuinty and Economic Development and Trade Minister Sandra Pupatello meet with Palaniappan Chidambaram, India's Minister of Finance.

Remarks at the Ontario Business Mission Plenary Session

January 15, 2007 - New Delhi — It was in my family that I learned the values that inspire my work today. As we grew, my parents would often remind us that, in a family, none of us is as smart, or as strong, as all of us, working and building and dreaming together. That is what I want to talk to you about today: how we can strengthen India, and Ontario, by doing more together. News Release: Premier Praises India, Promotes Ontario’s Strengths Backgrounder: New Delhi

Remarks By Dalton McGuinty, Premier Of Ontario on celebrating World Teachers' Day statement to the Legislative Assembly

Remarks Celebrating World Teachers' Day

October 5, 2006 - QUEEN'S PARK — On behalf of all Ontarians, I thank our teachers for passing on wisdom of course, but for sharing their love most of all. Video: Celebrating World Teachers' Day

Premier McGuinty pauses at the memorial to honour fallen firefighters.

Remarks At The Firefighters Memorial

October 1, 2006 - QUEEN'S PARK — Today we honour 23 Ontario firefighters who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Their names are engraved on this memorial. Just as their memory is etched in the hearts of all who knew them.

Remarks At 16th International AIDS Conference

August 13, 2006 - Your excellency, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Ontario and thank you, each and every one of you, for being here. You’ve brought a tremendous gift to this conference. And that’s hope. News Release: Premier Welcomes World AIDS Leaders To Ontario Video: Premier Welcomes World AIDS Leaders To Ontario Video: Premier Welcomes World AIDS Leaders To Ontario

Remarks Announcing $46 Million Market Readiness Program

July 21, 2006 - We’re all proud to be here today because we’re strong supporters of Ottawa’s role as a hub of innovation. We’ve learned a lot during our visit to the impressive opto-photonics labs here in the institution. The high-tech research and innovation underway here is awe-inspiring. News Release: McGuinty Government Invests In Breakthrough Technologies Backgrounder: Ontario Research Commercialization Program (ORCP) Backgrounder: Ideas To Market Strategy And The Market Readiness Program

Remarks to Faith Groups Announcing $3 Million for Communities Affected By Violence

April 29, 2006 - TORONTO — It's great to see so many families here, children and parents. I have a particularly soft spot for mothers. You know, my own dad passed away 16 years ago so I make a real effort to stay in touch with my own mom. News Release: Premier McGuinty Joins Faith Groups In Tackling Gun Crime Video: Premier McGuinty Joins Faith Groups In Tackling Gun Crime Video: Premier McGuinty Joins Faith Groups In Tackling Gun Crime

Remarks to the Empire and Canadian Clubs

March 28, 2006 - TORONTO — The highlight of this time of year for many of us at Queen's Park is the Budget. I'm enormously proud of our Budget because it builds opportunity for Ontarians. We believe that our taxes must be fair and competitive, so there are no new taxes or tax increases. News Release: Premier McGuinty Seeks Fairness For Ontarians Video: Premier McGuinty Seeks Fairness For Ontarians

Remarks To The Rural Ontario Municipalities Association And The Ontario Good Roads Association

February 21, 2006 - I want to welcome all of you to Toronto for this seventh annual combined meeting of the Ontario Good Roads Association and the Rural Ontario Municipal Association. I want to thank all of you for your leadership in rural Ontario. You are on the front lines in the level of government closest to Ontarians. Thank you for your commitment to public service and public services. And thank you for your optimism and belief in the future of rural Ontario. News Release: Strengthening Rural Communities For A Stronger Ontario Video: Strengthening Rural Communities For A Stronger Ontario

Remarks At The Ontario Centres Of Excellence Discovery 2006 Conference

February 7, 2006 - It's a real honour to join you for Discovery 2006 -- OCE's first annual conference. I especially want to thank President Mark Romoff and CEO David McFadden for the great work they're doing in helping to bridge the gap between innovation and commercialization. As you all know, Ontario has long been home to some of the best and brightest minds in the world.

Remarks To The Ottawa Chamber Of Commerce

September 30, 2005 - "I want to start today by thanking our chamber for organizing another successful Business Matters Breakfast. I want to thank my colleague, Jim Watson, for his initiative in securing my attendance. I also want to take this opportunity to speak to you, the representatives of the business community, to say something to you on behalf of Ontarians - 12 million strong. Thank you. Thank you for the work that you do. Thank you for the risks that you take. Thank you for the jobs that you create. Thank you for the families that you support and thank you for the invaluable contribution that you make to our shared quality of life."

Remarks At The Opening Of MaRS Discovery District

September 26, 2005 - "For months now I've been looking forward to this day. My office window in fact has given me a good view of construction project and it seems like just yesterday that the old building was gutted in no time at all, the new buildings went up." News Release: Premier McGuinty Officially Opens MaRS Discovery District Backgrounder: Premier McGuinty Recognizes Student Award Winners Backgrounder: MaRS Discovery District

Remarks To The Ontario Energy Association Annual General Meeting

September 14, 2005 - "It's great to be here in Niagara Falls. The falls, of course, are synonymous with the exploits of daredevils. The greatest daredevil in the history of Niagara may have been a politician by the name of Sir Adam Beck, because Beck tapped into the power of the falls. And he dared to do so, not on behalf of wealthy, private interests but on behalf of all the people of Ontario. I was reminded of that today when I presided over a ceremony launching the new tunnel project here that bares Beck's name." News Release: Niagara Tunnel Project Means Reliable Supply, More Jobs And Cleaner Air

Remarks To The Association Of Municipalities Of Ontario Annual Conference 2005

August 17, 2005 - "I’m glad you’re surviving what has been, at least here in the south, the hottest summer most of us can remember. And I want to thank you for your efforts in your communities during this challenging period. I know many of you have been conserving energy and water supplies, and you’ve done a terrific job. I know I speak for the members of our caucus and cabinet with us today when I say it’s great to be with you again."

Remarks At The Shared Air Summit 05

June 20, 2005 - "We’ve brought people together today — people from Canada and the U.S. —because air pollution knows no boundaries." News Release: Make Cleaner Air A Cross-border Priority: McGuinty Backgrounder: Report On Transboundary Air Pollution In Ontario Video: Make Cleaner Air A Cross-border Priority: McGuinty

Remarks At The Canadian Newspaper Association Conference

June 2, 2005 - "I usually start my day with the morning papers. So it’s a real treat to start today with the folks who put them together. The fact is you do tremendously important work, and you do it very well." News Release: McGuinty Renews Campaign To Narrow $23 Billion Gap

Remarks To Ryerson University Students On Postsecondary Education

May 13, 2005 - "I want to share with you my vision for higher education and my determination — with your help — to make that vision a reality. But first, I want to take a moment to acknowledge that today’s audience includes several people who work in our universities, colleges and training programs. So I want to start by simply saying, to them: thank you." News Release: McGuinty Government Investing In Postsecondary Education So Students Can Reach Higher Backgrounder: Reaching Higher: The McGuinty Government Plan For Postsecondary Education Video: McGuinty Government Investing In Postsecondary Education So Students Can Reach Higher

Remarks On Narrowing The $23 Billion Gap

May 9, 2005 - "I rise to inform this House and the people of Ontario of developments in Ontario’s campaign for fairness, our campaign to narrow the $23 billion gap. This weekend, I met with the Prime Minister. Working together, we succeeded in making some real progress for Ontarians." News Release: Ontario And Federal Government Reach Deal To Quadruple Funding For Immigration Services Video: Narrowing the $23 Billion Gap

Remarks On Meeting With The Prime Minister

May 7, 2005 - "Before I specifically address today’s meeting with the Prime Minister, I want to provide a bit of context by briefly outlining Ontario’s position on the $23 billion dollar gap. This gap, of course, is the gap between what Ontarians send to the federal government and what they get back in the form of programs and services."

Premier McGuinty delivers remarks commemorating the 60th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day.

Remarks On The 60th Anniversary Of Victory In Europe Day

May 5, 2005 - "Mr. Speaker, this month has special significance. For people here in Ontario, across Canada and our friends in Europe. Today, we pause to remember two very different days in May, one, a moment of heartbreak, the other, a cause for celebration." News Release: Premier Honours Holocaust Survivors On 60<sup>th</sup> Anniversary Of Victory In Europe Backgrounder: Biographies Of Holocaust Survivors Video: Premier Honours Holocaust Survivors On 60<sup>th</sup> Anniversary Of Victory In Europe

Remarks To The Principals’ Conference

April 1, 2005 - "I’ve been thinking about this conference for some time. I’ve been really looking forward to it. I really wanted us to meet, face-to-face. And I’ll tell you why."

Premier McGuinty speaks to the Empire Club Of Canada in Toronto.

Remarks To The Empire Club Of Canada

March 24, 2005 - "I want to salute the work Children and Youth Friendly Ottawa is doing in our community. The legendary teacher and basketball coach, John Wooden said, "Young people don't need critics. They need role models." I want to thank you for being role models."

Remarks At The Anti-Bullying Conference Ottawa

March 22, 2005 - "I want to salute the work Children and Youth Friendly Ottawa is doing in our community. The legendary teacher and basketball coach, John Wooden said, "Young people don't need critics. They need role models." I want to thank you for being role models." News Release: Safe Schools Equal Successful Students

Remarks Announcing Funding In Support Of GM Canada’s Beacon Project

March 2, 2005 - "This is a big day — for all of us — and for Ontario. You've heard it before, but I would like to say it again: we're here today to celebrate the most comprehensive automotive investment in Canadian history. That's great news for our economy, our prosperity and most of all, our people." News Release: Investing In Innovation For A Strong And Prosperous Ontario Video: Investing In Innovation For A Strong And Prosperous Ontario

Remarks To The Niagara Chamber Of Commerce

February 24, 2005 - "It really is exciting to be here. Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort is an absolutely stunning new addition to Niagara’s lengthy list of attractions. It’s a shining symbol of the new Niagara. And all of you are a testament to this region’s economic drive and enterprise." News Release: Better Health Care For Thousands In Niagara

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