What's My Child Expected to Learn?

The Ministry of Education sets curriculum and achievement standards for all publicly funded schools in Ontario.

Follow the links below to read detailed subject descriptions for Kindergarten to Grade 12. The achievement charts show what teachers look for when assessing children's work. "Exemplars&" are samples of actual student work with notes explaining how marks were arrived at.

Under Policy & Resource Documents you'll find the policies and strategies underpinning the curriculum, the Trillium List of approved textbooks, and publications that support the efforts of teachers, such as Curriculum Update, a newsletter providing news and information to Ontario's educators.

Curriculum Documents

Standardized Testing

The EQAO wants your child to do well on these tests. They've got study tools and sample tests covering the Grade 3 and 6 Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, the Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics and the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT). You can also get tips from a brochure written for teachers called Preparing Students for the OSSLT.

Policy & Resource Documents