Welcome to the Centre for Addictions Research of BC

Alcohol Consumption Across Regions of BC: First Data from BC Drug Monitoring Project.

More information can be found here.

CARBC's 2006-07 Lectures Series Begins on November 21, 2006

Find out more about upcoming lectures here.

Alcohol Pricing and Public Health in Canada: Issues and Opportunities

A new report by CARBC commissioned by Health Canada looks at ways alcohol taxes and pricing could be used to achieve public health and safety objectives. Find it here.

Annual Report, 2005-06

It's here! Check out our annual report summarizing the incredible growth and many accomplishments of the Centre in the last fiscal year.

Report on cannabis use in BC

The report highlights recent findings that suggest cannabis use in BC is higher than the rest of Canada, and its illegal production contributes significantly to the local economy. Read the full Bulletin here.

Research study led by Dr. Scott Macdonald, CARBC's Assistant Director, Research documents the prevalence and factors related to workplace health programs in Canada

Click here for full details. (Note: permission was received from the Canadian Public Health Association to post this article.)

New research questions the extent to which moderate drinking protects against heart disease

The international research team led by the University of Victoria's Centre for Addictions Research of BC and the University of California, San Francisco School of Nursing analyzed 54 research studies linking how much people drink with risk of premature death from all causes including heart disease. For more information, view the media release and backgrounder. Their report is published in the April 2006 issue of Addiction Research and Theory, and can be viewed online at: http://www.journalsonline.tandf.co.uk/link.asp?id=m350jp7v218202g8.

Drinking Canadians Fail to Follow Low-Risk Guidelines

The Alcohol Bulletin released by CARBC sheds new light on Canadian's alcohol consumption. Click here to read the full report and click here to read the appendix.

BC Mental Health and Addictions Research Network

Applications for Support - Development Funds/Seed Grants

In an initial effort to facilitate collaborative research activity and to increase BC's competitiveness for funding in mental health and addictions research, the BC Mental Health and Addictions Research Network invites applications to the following two funding programs: Development Funds and Seed Grants.

Program details and application requirements are provided here. This information is also available on the BC Mental Health and Addictions Research Network website.  For more information, please contact the Network Coordinator, Dr. Jane Hood . More information about the BC Mental Health and Addictions Research Network can be found here.





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