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Published quarterly, Visions is a nationally award-winning journal which provides a forum where many perspectives on mental health and addictions issues can be heard. The journal is written by and for people who have used mental health or addictions services, mental health service providers, family and friends, and mental health and addictions leaders and decision-makers. Visions always tries to ask the questions: What does it look like in real life? and, Why should this matter to me? You are entitled to a free subscription if you are in one of the groups just described and you or your organization is based in BC; otherwise, subscriptions are $25 for four issues or $7 apiece.

Visions: BC's Mental Health and Addictions Journal:

First Responders for Young People | Vol. 3, No. 1 (Fall 2006) | 36 pages | PDF (1.6 MB)
The common saying that "it takes a village to raise a child" rings true as this issue looks at first responders. Parents, school counsellor, teacher, police, firemen, friend, coaches and other members of our society must work together to support children and their families as young people grow up. Articles in this issue looks into the prevention and intervention programs, a guide for parents on teen's alcohol and drug use, creative ways to reach out to youth such as aboriginal superhero comic...[table of contents]

Treatments for Young People | Vol. 3, No. 1 (Summer 2006) | 36 pages | PDF (1.5 MB)
This edition of Visions focuses on young people. Articles in this issue looks into the issues faced by young people and what kind of treatments and support available for them. The issue is ranging from eating disorder and schizophrenia to pregnancy and youth parenting. Various treatment options for young people such as play therapy, diaelectical behavioural therapy, and music therapy are also discussed without forgetting the different support and skill-building for young people...[table of contents]

Alcohol | Vol. 2, No. 9 (Spring 2006) | 40 pages | PDF (1.2 MB)
Alcohol is one of our society's most accepted drugs, and yet its influences can be devastating. This edition of Visions looks at alcohol use and its personal, social and economic impacts and its effects on mental and physical health. Articles in this issue explore safe drinking guidelines, the link between alcohol and anxiety, nutrition solutions, women and alcohol use, pregnancy and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, and the way we talk about alcohol. Different intervention strategies are discussed, and programs dealing with alcohol abuse throughout the BC are described...[table of contents]

Criminal Justice | Vol. 2, No. 8 (Winter 2005) | 40 pages | PDF (1.5 MB)
This edition explores the intricate relationship between criminal justice and mental illness and addictions. Issues surrounding available treatment for disorders in prisons, stereotypes in the media, criminalization of individuals, surviving after prison release, mental health court, integration with the community, street crime, advocacy in the court systems, forensic psychiatric settings, and more. First-hand experiences and perspectives of the criminal justice system in BC are also shared...[table of contents]

Suicide | Vol. 2, No. 7 (Fall 2005) | 40 pages | PDF (1.5 MB)
This issue looks at the difficult and complex issue of suicide and suicide prevention and relationships to mental illness and addictions. Topics explored include vulnerable groups, response guidelines, emerging national prevention strategies, attention to age and culture, self-harm, genetic/biological influences, and family involvement perspectives. As always, personal stories, approaches and resources are also featured...[table of contents]

Stigma and Discrimination | Vol. 2, No. 6 (Summer 2005) | 40 pages | PDF (1.5 MB)
The articles in this edition of Visions talk of the many forms stigma take—societal, interpersonal, internal. As readers of this issue, we are already likely aware of the negative, often destructive impact of stigma on the lives of persons with mental illness and/or addictions. Stigma will only cease to exist when people are valued for who they are. This issue takes a deeper look at first-hand experiences of living with stigma...[table of contents]

Men | Vol. 2, No. 5 (Spring 2005) | 40 pages | PDF (0.6 MB)
This issue looks at men's and boy's mental health. Although there are arguments that all mental health services and research are implicitly based on men, but if a gender lens reveals inequities for women then it also has the ability to reveal areas of concern for men. In this volume, read about the challenges of fatherhood, suicide risk factors at various ages, and 'drive for muscularity'...[table of contents]

Women | Vol. 2, No. 4 (Winter 2004) | 48 pages | PDF (1.15 MB)
This new look issue of Visions is dedicated to women's mental health and addictions matters, including eating disorders, mothering, rural issues, benzodiazepines and workplaces. Looking through a gender prism will show some very unexpected facets of mental illness and addictions, such as the consequences of violence against women in rural context or ethnic and cultural aspects of substance abuse...[table of contents]

Families | Vol. 2, No. 3 (Summer 2004) | 48 pages | PDF (1.0 MB)
This issue looks at the role and experiences of families, particuarly families of young people, as the majority of mental illness first appears either in childhood, adolescence or young adulthood. It is also during these years that the family's role is most important, and when family support and involvement plays a crucial role in successfully managing the illness... [table of contents]

Parenting | Vol. 2, No. 2 (Spring 2004) | 52 pages | PDF (1.1 MB)
Parenting can be one of the most rewarding roles any of us have in life - and this is no different for people with mental disorders. This volume focuses mostly on parents with mental illness from a number of different points of view - the parents themselves, their children, child protection workers, and service providers in the mental health and addictions fields from the adult and child/youth services. The overall theme is one of supporting the whole family, nurturing strengths, and planning ahead for crises... [table of contents]

Concurrent Disorders | Vol. 2, No. 1 (Winter 2004) | 60 pages | PDF (1.25MB)
This issue of Visions - our largest ever, at 60 pages - explores the theme of co-existing mental health and alcohol/drug use problems from a number of different angles and includes personal stories, approaches and models, regional programs in the community, and resources...[table of contents]

Self-Management | Vol. 1, No. 18 (Fall 2003) | 48 pages | PDF (1.1 MB)
Self-management is a term in the clinical community that basically means self-care and empowering individuals and families in managing their conditions. This issue of Visions investigates what the concept means for people with mental illnesses or addictions and includes personal stories of hope and recovery, self-help strategies, community projects and resources...[table of contents]

For Visions issues published prior to #18, please see the Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division website at www.cmha.bc.ca/resources/visions. Some of these prior topics, produced between 1997 and 2003, include:

  • Supported Education
  • Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating
  • Seniors' Mental Health
  • Anxiety Disorders in Children and Youth
  • Employment
  • Spirituality and Recovery
  • Mood Disorders
  • Housing
  • Cross Cultural Mental Health
  • Sexuality, Intimacy and Relationships
  • Poverty, Unemployment and Income
  • Approaches to Building Mental Health Accountability
  • Community Inclusion
  • What is Mental Health?
  • Women's Mental Health
  • Rehabiliation and Recovery
  • Early Intervention




First Responders for Young People | Vol. 3, No. 2 (Fall 2006) | 36 pages | PDF (1.6 MB)

  • Editor's message (Christina Martens)
  • A Village of First Responders [guest editorial] (Donna Murphy)
  • Letters to the Editor
  • School, Family and Friends Matter: Improving Mental Health in Young People (Annie Smith)
  • Quality Childcare = Caring Family Support (Ruth Bancroft)
  • Police (and Others) Facing Adolescence: 'Normal'? Mental Illness? Can be Hard to Tell... (Camia Weaver)
  • Bridge Over Troubled Waters: Meeting the Needs of Youth with Concurent Disorders (Erin Toews)
  • Responding to Teen Drug and Alcohol Use: A Guide for Parents (Rob McGirr
  • Marijuana Use by Youth: When is it a Problem? (Barbara Moffat and Joy L. Johnson)
  • Social Work: Strengthening Systems Youth Live Within (Autumn Jenkinson and Deneen Jensen
  • Journey to Recovery from First-episode Psychosis: don't wait. get help early. (Tara and Terry Marttiinen)
  • A Conversation between a Mother and Son (Annie and Scott)
  • Medical Staff and Self-injury (Lisa Marie Sterr)
  • FRIENDS - has been a friend (Michelle Anderson)
  • Aboriginal Superhero (Shirley Muir)
  • Spokes, Needles and Anti-therapy (Dave Ehle)
  • My Path to 'Mental Illness first Aid': From Young Adult with Mental Illness to Facilitator (Shanon Ryan)
  • Meth: An Innovative Addiction Prevention Project (David Diamond)
  • Honoured to be a FRIENDS trainer (Jonaire Bowyer-Smyth
  • What is Team Izzat? (Jet Sunner)
  • 'Co-ed' Parent Group: Strengthening Family Responders (Bjorn and Gabrielle Ratjen)
  • Quality Info on Kid's Mental Health: New Website takes a Community Approach (Sherry Cecil)
  • So a Youth Enters the Door - Now What? Approaches at Victoria's Youth Clinic (Maia Love)
  • Changing with the Times: Online Youth Crisis Service in Real Time (Robin Shantz)
  • The Youth Net Model (Gemma Fletcher and Sophia Khan)
  • Healthy Attitudes: Youth Body Image and Self-esteem Prevention Program (Sarah Thorsteinson)
  • One Community, Our Future: Sto:lo Youth (Brenda Wallace)
  • Fraser South Early Psychosis Intervention Program (Karen Tee)
  • The Church as Responder (Marja Bergen) [web only]
  • Mirror, Mirror: Youth-penned Drama Turns Spotlight on Teen Depression (Mark Rayter) [web only]

Treatments for Young People | Vol. 3, No. 1 (Summer 2006) | 36 pages | PDF (1.5 MB)

  • Editor's message (Christina Martens)
  • Youth Treatments for Mental Health and Substance Use [guest editorial] (Shimi Kang)
  • Letters to the editor
  • Treatment Options for Depression in Young People (E. Jane Garland)
  • Are Antidepressants Safe to Use in Youth? Yes they are, but... (Raymond W. Lam)
  • AD/HD: Treating young People (Kim Meier)
  • Anorexia: Treading a thin line (Claudia Tienne Chai)
  • South Asian Youth: Addiction: A Shared Shame (Rob Rai)
  • Did I Need an Attitude Adjustment! Shifting to Youth Concurent Disorders: A Professional Story (Linda J. Barker)
  • Amrik's Bout with Schizophrenia (Margaret Little)
  • My Life: From one extremiety to the other (Michelle Dean)
  • What Works? Family Therapy for Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa (Ronald S. Manely and Pat Roles)
  • Between Two Cultures: Family Therapy for chinese Canadians (Dan Zhang)
  • Play Therapy: A Way to Help Children who are Experiencing Problems (Kathy Eugster and Barbra Tredger)
  • No Worries: How Interpersonal Therapy can Help Depressed Adolescents (Elizabeth Baerg Hall)
  • Dealing with Depression: A Self-care Program for Youth (Merv Gilbert)
  • youth Psychiatric Inpatient Services: "Kind of an Umbrella" (Judy Y. Smith)
  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Youth who Self-Harm (Lisa C. Vettese)
  • A Year "Down Under" ORYGEN Youth Health (Steve Mathias)
  • FRIENDS for Life Resilience-building and axiety prevention (Kelly Angelius)
  • MDA's Moving Beyond Support Group: Relax, share and grow (Christina McRae)
  • Strengthtening Families and Youth Voces: Building Bridges (Melissa Bax)
  • YPPP: The Youth Parenting and Pregnancy Program (Dimithra Hippola)
  • Book Review: Worry Taming for Teens (Mailis Valineus)

Alcohol | Vol. 2, No. 9 (Spring 2006) | 40 pages | PDF (1.2 MB)

  • Editor's message (Christina Martens)
  • Alcohol: Our favourite drug [guest editorial] (Tim Stockwell)
  • Letters to the editor
  • Alcohol and British Columbians (Sara Perry)
  • How Much is Too Much and How Often is Too Often? Alcohol consumption guidelines (Nicole Pankratz)
  • Understanding the Link Between Alcohol and Anxiety (Stephenie Gold)
  • The Role of Nutrition in Recovery from Alcohol and Drug Addiction (Sarah Fielden)
  • Drinking More and Enjoying it Less: Girls, women and alcohol (Nancy Poole, Amy Salmon and Lorraine Greaves)
  • What Knowledge and Whose Knowing Counts? Fetal alcohol syndrome examined (Carolyn Schellenberg)
  • Words, Values and Canadians: Toward a common language of diversity and respect (Dan Reist)
  • Pregnant Women and Alcohol: We need to move from stigma to support (Nancy Poole and Christine Urquhart)
  • Drowning Pool: An editor's experience with alcoholism (Paul Sullivan)
  • Me and Detox: On beating my demons (Patrick Schnerch)
  • A Daughter's Story (Donna)
  • The Destructive Path of Alcohol and Mental Illness (A.M.R.)
  • Self-Medicating with Alcohol? Hey! I was just trying to survive… (Murphy Kennedy)
  • My Life with FASD (Francis Perry)
  • Harm Reduction, Alcohol and Homelessness: Ottawa's Managed Alcohol Project (Kim Meier)
  • A Strength-Based Look: How alcohol use is being addressed at post-secondary institutions in BC (Jeff Thompson)
  • Al-Anon and Alateen: Support for the supporters (Rose J.)
  • Treatment: What is it? Where do I get it? (Dan Reist)
  • Kids Deconstruct Alcohol Advertising Through New Media Education Program (MNet)
  • Calling the Alcohol and Drug Helpline Can Provide Impetus for Change (Hazel Smith)
  • 'Namgis Treatment Centre: A front-line addictions worker calls for more transition services (Pat Davis)
  • SWAP Introduces Art Therapy and LGTB-Focused Counselling to Seniors (Jane Thomas)
  • A Safe Place for Women in 12-step Recovery Programs: Avalon Recovery Society (Michelle MacQuarrie)
  • Sobering and Assessment Centre: VIHA's response (George Lowery)
  • Resources


Criminal Justice | Vol. 2, No. 8 (Winter 2005) | 40 pages | PDF (1.5 MB)

  • Editor's message (Christina Martens)
  • Mental Illness and Criminal Justice: Where Tolerance Breaks Down [guest editorial] (Stephen Hart)
  • A Long Way to Go (Patrick Storey and Jim White)
  • An Enduring Stereotype: Criminalization of Mental Illness in the Media (Kim Meier)
  • Treatment of Substance Abuse Disorders in BC: What's Missing? (Ray Baker)
  • The Criminalization of Individuals with Mental Illness (David Simpson)
  • Preventing Homelessness Following Prison Release (Judy Graves)
  • Canada's Penitentiaries: Not equipped to care for growing numbers of prisoners with mental illnessess (Howard Sapers)
  • Criminalizing Mental Illness (Camia Weaver)
  • How Did You Get Into That? (Rennie Hoffman)
  • Doing Time: My Story (Curtis Aurhur)
  • More Good Than Harm? I Don't Think So! (Howard Fluxgold)
  • Mental Health in the Courtroom: One Judge's Perspective (Judge Judith Gedye)
  • Panhandling Restrictions in Vancouver: Discriminatory and Hypocritical (Cynthia Row)
  • Arrest or Treatment? The Vancouver Police Department Speaks Up for Treatment (Steve Schnizter)
  • Compassion by Law Enforcers: More Comman than May Be Expected (Frank G. Sterle, Jr.)
  • Adolescent Addiction and Corrections: My Journey (David Grant)
  • Developing Service Partnerships in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside (Michelle Patterson)
  • Treating Offenders with Mental Disorders (Bill Rankin)
  • Mental Health Court in Ontario (Honourable Justice Edward F. Ormston)
  • Behind the Scenes at a Forensic Psychiatric Clinic (Lisa May)
  • Changing the Way We Work with Mentally Disordered Offenders in the Community (Shelley Cook)
  • An International Study of Crime and Violence Risk: Understanding Community Outcomes of People with Serious Mental Illness (Deborah Ross)
  • Street Crime and Social Disorder in Vancouver (Sherri Lee)
  • Searching for Justice: Mental Health Advocacy in the Court System (Liz Roberts)
  • BC's Forensic Psychiatric Hospital (Lisa May)
  • Resources


Suicide | Vol. 2, No. 7 (Fall 2005) | 40 pages | PDF (1.5 MB)

  • Editor's message (Christina Martens)
  • Wonderings and Wanderings: Ongoing conversations about suicide prevention [guest editorial] (P. Bonny Ball and Jennifer White)
  • Suicide 101: The statistics of risk (Sarah Hamid-Balma)
  • A Summary of Suicide Risk and Protective Factors (Youth and Young Adults) (Jennifer White)
  • 1-800-SUICIDE: Hope and help is just a phone call away (Ian Ross)
  • Suicide: The 'logic' of a human tragedy (Eike-Henner W. Kluge)
  • Suicidal Preoccupations Among Youth with Eating Disorders (Pierre Leichner and Ron Manley)
  • Suicide in Later Life (Charmaine Spencer)
  • The Biological and Genetic Dimensions of Suicide Risk (Gustavo Turecki)
  • Blueprint for a National Suicide Prevention Strategy (Adrian Hill)
  • Suicide and Language (Doris Sommer-Rotenberg)
  • Inside my Suicidal Mind (Patrick Schnerch)
  • My First Suicide Attempt (Faith)
  • A Lesson for Me, Dear Sister (Peyton Brooks)
  • The Cost of Suicide (Cynthia Row)
  • Involving Families to Help Avert Tragedy (Marguerite Hardin)
  • Ryan's Story (Kerry Jackson)
  • My Best Friend, Jessie (Caroline O'Brien)
  • Suicide and Shame in a Southeast Asian Community: An interview with a friend (Mykle Ludvigsen)
  • On Losing a Teenager to Suicide (Jude Platzer)
  • Of One Heart, Bringing Our Youth Together (Grand Chief Ed John and Jane Morley)
  • How to Engage Youth in Healing (Donna Murphy)
  • Self-harm and Suicide (Mary Graham)
  • ICE: beyond cool (Caitlin Pencarrick)
  • Turning Challenges into Opportunity: E-learning training modules (Aura Rose)
  • Suicide Postvention is Prevention (Brenda Dafoe and Lynda Monk)
  • From 'Policing' to Reconnecting: Psychiatric nursing and human-focused care (John R. Cutcliffe) [exclusively-online article]
  • Cowichan Tribes Suicide Prevention Project: Sharing in the light (Bev Williams)
  • Family Support: SAFER's Concerned Other Counselling Program (Natalee Popadiuk)
  • How a Small Community Copes with Suicide (Suicide Prevention Advisory Committee, 100 Mile House)
  • YouthinBC.com: Supporting Suicidal and Distressed Youth (Julie Miller and Lindsay Killam)
  • Resources


Stigma and Discrimination | Vol. 2, No. 6 (Spring 2005) | 40 pages | PDF (1.5 MB)

  • Editor's Message (Christina Martens)
  • Sticks and Stones, Policies and Words . . . [guest editorial] (Sarah Hamid-Balma and Corrine Arthur)
  • Stigma and Discrimination in Canada (Senator Michael Kirby)
  • Mental Illness and Human Rights (Terry Kennedy and Susan O'Donnell)
  • Demystifying the Role of the DSM (Sarah Hamid-Balma and Joe Solanto)
  • On the Borderline (Carmen Lenihan)
  • The Stigma of Addiction Project (Margaret Kittel Canale and Ellie Munn)
  • Seniors, Alcohol and Stigma (Charmaine Spencer)
  • Not in My Backyard (Mykle Ludvigsen)
  • I Want a Little Respect (Patrick Schnerch)
  • Does a Person Have to Look Sick to be Sick? (Kate)
  • Today, I choose Life! (K.C. Younker)
  • Navigating the Stigma of Mental Illness and Addiction (Debbie Suian)
  • Stigma and Suicide: History, Real or Perceived? (P. Bonny Ball)
  • Living with Stigma and Discrimination (Theresa Collinge) [exclusively-online article]
  • Mental Disorders: The Result of Sin? (Marja Bergen)
  • Breakdown at Work (Max Danvers)
  • And the Cement Cracked and Crumbled Away (Rosalyn)
  • A Place to Call Their Own (Donna Murphy) [exclusively-online article]
  • Stigmas Surrounding Eating Disorders: Interview (Elizabeth Thornton Cronin and Anne)
  • Adjusting Our Dreams (Karen)
  • Looking Into the Cultural Mirror (R. Dan Small)
  • Genetic Counselling and Mental Illness: Helping Families and Fighting Illness (Jehannine Austin)
  • Canadian Anti-Stigma Campaigns. A Review (Naomi Liu)
  • Bad Endings (Bruce Saunders)
  • Mental Illness in Film: A Director’s Take (David Dawson)
  • Partnership Education Program (Nicole Chovil)
  • Opening Minds (Ron Plecas)
  • Changing Attitudes at VIHA (Michael Reece and Sara Bristow)
  • On the Stigma of Mental Illness: Practical Strategies for Research and Social Change [book review] (Mailis Valenius)
  • Resources


Men | Vol. 2, No. 5 (Spring 2005) | 40 pages | PDF (0.6 MB)

  • Editor's Message (Christina Martens)
  • At the Intersection of Biology and Culture [guest editorial] (Aaron White)
  • Men's Mental Health: A silent crisis (Frances Bartlett)
  • A Snapshot of Seniors' Lives: Depression, suicide
    darken the later years (Chris Johnson)
  • Boys, and How We Can Reach Them (Anita Roberts) [exclusively-online article]
  • Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Men Are Dissatisfied After All (Todd G. Morrison)
  • Are Men Self-Medicating? (Sarah Hamid-Balma)
  • Sexual Abuse and Addiction in Men (Jim Cullen)
  • Understanding Suicide Risk Among Young Men (Jennifer White)
  • A 'Big, Strong Man' (Spencer McDonald)
  • Men are Dying, and 'Dying' for Mental Health Research! (James Hodgins)
  • RESPECT: A rap song for teens (Noah Davis)
  • Male, Chinese and Immigrant: Mental health shame runs deep (Andrew Lee)
  • A Mirror Image? Men and mental illness
    in Canadian and Chinese cultures (Cynthia Row)
  • Nurture over nature: Relearning that sharing feelings is healthy (Rodney Baker)
  • My Journey: From blowing up rock to taming bipolar disorder (Stewart Ludtke)
  • About a Man Who Suffered Needlessly (Frank G. Sterle, Jr.)
  • Too Proud to Ask for Help (Ian Chovil)
  • My Double Life (Ian Ross)
  • The Tragedy of Self-Medicating: Personal and workplace loss (Rafe Mair)
  • Female-to-Male Youth (Gail A. Knudson)
  • Extreme Kindness and Mental Health (Brad Stokes-Bennett)
  • Postpartum Depression: In men? (Laurynas Navidauskas)
  • Men Have Eating Disorders Too: A retreat approach (Gary Holdgrafer)
  • Men's Empowerment for Learning and Living (Leanne McKenna)
  • Wellness Gathering: Contributing to the mental health
    of First Nation men (Brian Muth)
  • Gayway: Supporting gay men (Phillip Banks)
  • Nothing's Wrong: A man's guide to managing his feelings
    [book review] (Aaron White)
  • Resources


Women | Vol. 2, No. 4 (Fall 2004) | 48 pages | PDF (1.15 MB)

  • Editor's Message (Christina Martens)
  • Measured Steps...Toward Big Leaps? [guest editorial] (Nancy Poole)
  • Mental Health and Substance Use: Why women? (Marina Morrow)
  • Embodying Beauty: The time has come (Tannis Hugill)
  • Women and Benzodiazepines (Frances Kirson)
  • Depression and Anxiety Barriers for One in Five Working Women
  • Women Bear the Brunt of Role Overload
  • Substance Use Disorders in Pregnancy and Postpartum (Shimi Kang) [exclusively-online article]
  • Painful Pasts: Post-Traumatic Stress in Women Survivors of Canada's Indian Residential Schools (Ingrid Söchting)
  • Violence Against Women and Substance Use ina Rural Context (Sheila Dick and Colleen Varcoe)
  • How Widespread are Eating Disorders? Misconceptions and realities (Erin C. Dunn and Josie Geller)
  • Anxiety in Pregnancy and Postpartum (Nichole Fairbrother)
  • Breastfeeding: Cautions and concerns (Anne Price)
  • You Are Mother (Dawn-Marie Tytherleigh)
  • Women Need Community Support to Survive (Laraine Michalson)
  • Post-Traumatic Stress and Substance Use (Sally Gose)
  • Continuing the Journey: A way back from trauma and substance use (Katherine B. Oxner and Veronica Brown)
  • My Fall From Grace: Exercise, well-being medication side effects (Cynthia Row)
  • On the Road Again (S. Linda Walker)
  • Bingeing and the Blues (Victoria Maxwell)
  • My Eating Disorder (Caitlin M.)
  • When Sorry is Too Late: Amanda's Story (Amanda Johson) [exclusively-online article]
  • Moving Forward with Women's Addiction Treatment in BC (Carol Savage)
  • Good Drugs, Bad Drugs: Pregnancy, substances and social attitudes (Susan Boyd)
  • Substance Use and Indo-Canadian Women (Kalyani Vittala and Nancy Poole)
  • The 16 Steps for Discovery and Empowerment: An alternative to 12 Step programs (Candace Plattor)
  • Finding—and Sticking with—Medication that Works (Linda Pook)
  • Body Image and Physical Activity: New perspectives for self-care (Kate Maliha)
  • Focusing on Healing: Disordered eating, trauma, addictions (Judy Lyon)
  • Changes in Substance Use, Violence and Stress Among Women in Transition Houses Rural Areas (Lucy McCullough, Natasha Jategaonkar, Lorraine Greaves, Cathy Chabot and Nancy Poole)
  • Structured for Success: Working with adults affected by FASD (Jeanette Turpin)
  • Harm Reduction and Housing: YWCA Crabtree Corner (Wendy Lund)
  • Fir Square at BC Women's Hospital: Maternity care and substance misuse (Yalile Seaman)
  • Effective Treatment for Women with Substance Use Problems: Aurora Centre's approach (Gail Malmo)
  • Seeking Solace and Safety: Trauma-informed training at Riverview (Kathleen Whipp)
  • Pregnancy Outreach Programs (Maria Burglehaus)


Families | Vol. 2, No. 3 (Summer 2004) | 48 pages | PDF (1.0 MB)

  • Editor's Message (Eric Macnaughton)
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Families as Partners for Mental Health [guest editorial]
    (Nicole Chovil and Keli Anderson)
  • For Better or Worse: The impact of a child's mental disorder on the family – A review of the literature (Sarah Hamid-Balma)
  • Give the Relationship Some Oxygen (Keli Anderson)
  • Is 'Bad Parenting' the Chicken or the Egg? (Don Duncan)
  • Learning to Be a Different Kind of Parent (Susan Inman)
  • Men and Support Groups (Howard Fluxgold)
  • Dear Dad (Christine)
  • Psychosis: A parent's perspective (Mike Singleton)
  • Holding On While Letting Go: The contradictions of teenage mental illness (Pam)
  • My Son Sam: He may have inherited more than he bargained for (Tara)
  • Two Views of a Cup of Juice (Jan Lars Jensen)
  • The Mad Muslim: A South Asian, East African, Middle Eastern perspective on mental illness, abuse and family (Farah Tejani)
  • My Recovery: Safety, freedom and friends (Caroline Fei-Yeng Kwok)
  • Jessie's Hope (Diana Budden)
  • Gavin's Suicide: A mum's memorial and hope to understand a horrible and secret
    condition (Heather Craig)
  • My Role as a Teacher-Mother (Or is it Mother-Teacher?) (Donna Murphy)
  • Engaging a Young Person in Care
  • How to Deal with your Drug-Abusing Child? Try reversing roles (Jeff Thompson)
  • The Dance of Caring: Motivating young people to be involved in treatment
    (Connie Easton)
  • Family Education
  • Emotional Impact Series [book review and resource list] (Jennifer Quan)
  • Finding Useful Health Information Online (Mykle Ludvigsen)
  • How Families Can Help Children Manage Problems with Anxiety (Melanie O'Neill)
  • A Family Story: An insider's look at growing up in a family unaware of mental illness and alcoholism (Murphy Kennedy)
  • When Someone You Love Is Depressed: How to help your loved one without losing yourself [book review] (Pat Merrett)
  • Chinese Family Support Groups in Vancouver (Sophia Woo and Raymond Li)
  • Peer Support for Parents of Psychosis Sufferers (Nicole Chovil)
  • The Art of Involving Families at CAPE (Deb Kinvig)
  • Donnie Darko: Youth mental illness on film
    (Analee Weinberger and Harry Karlinsky)


Parenting | Vol. 2, No. 2 (Spring 2004) | 52 pages | PDF (1.1 MB)

  • Editor's Message (Eric Macnaughton)
  • We've Come a Way, But Not Far Enough:Supporting families with parental mental illness [guest editorial] (Rob Lees)
  • The Experiences of Parents with Mental Illness: Background issues for consideration
  • When a Parent is Hospitalized for Treatment of a Mental Illness: A research project examining a child's perspective (Hylda Gryba)
  • Discrimination Against Parents with Mental Illness and their Families: Changing attitudes, opening minds (Sarah Hamid-Balma)
  • Mothering Under Duress: In/visibility of mothers with mental illness
    (Marina Morrow)
  • Women with Mental Illness are Still Losing their Children (Jirina Judas)
  • Life in the Pressure Cooker: Parenting while coping with a disability
    (Virginia J. Ross)
  • Elizabeth Ando's Nightmare: One mother's obsessive cleaning almost cost her everything (Mark Hume)
  • From Experiences to Actions: My life as a consumer single mom (Dawn Brossard)
  • A Parent's Point of View (Hazel Gillespie)
  • Parenting and Social Work: A route to recovery (Kathryn Lestage)
  • Isabel's Story (Isabel)
  • Fatherhood, Mental Illness and the River of Humankind (Bruce Saunders)
  • Guilt: The mother of all feelings (Victoria Maxwell)
  • Quirks and Glitches (Ula-Erin Chauvet)
  • Growing Up with Mental Illness [interview] (Monica Alfreds)
  • A Tale of Dysfunctional Child-rearing (Frank G. Sterle, Jr.)
  • Caring for the Aged: The Patient | The Caregiver (Elizabeth)
  • A Sibling's Story (From Grief to Action member)
  • Programs for Families with Parental Mental Illness: Results of a US National Survey (Joanne Nicholson, et al)
  • From Little Things, Big Things Grow: A decade of Australian achievements for children of parents with mental illness and their families (Vicki Cowling)
  • Working Together with Parents with Mental Illness to Maintain their Child's Mental Health (Sharon Van Volkingburgh)
  • Early Intervention and the Needs of Offspring (Eric Macnaughton)
  • Talking to Children and Youth: When it's time to discuss a family member's mental illness or alcohol/drug problem (Nicole Chovil)
  • Lasting Impressions Program: A partnership program for families
  • A Clinic for Women with Schizophrenia: Building skills for life and parenthood
    (Jennifer Quan)
  • Landing a Mars Lander (Catherine)
  • When Bliss Turns into Blues (Deirdre Ryan and Doris Bodnar)
  • Supporting Families with Parental Mental Illness Manual: A training tool for communities to organize services to support families (Rob Lees et al)
  • Post Partum Support Services: A mental health services program in the Thompson Cariboo Shuswap Health Service Area (Kerry McLean Small)
  • Cross Cultural Perspective and Issues with Families Experiencing Mental Illness
    (H. Picku Multani)
  • Supporting Vancouver Families through Collegial Education of Professionals: The Parenting and Mental Health Committee (Ruth Hess-Dolgin)
  • The Super Saturday Club: Social and Leisure Fun for Kids Living with Parental Mental Illness (Jeri-Lyn Ratzlaff)
  • Kids in Control (Hylda Gryba and Nicole Chovil)
  • Advice to Parents From a Child Protection Worker [interview]
  • Parenting Well When You're Depressed: A complete resource for maintaining a healthy family [book review] (Lyne Brindamour)


Concurrent Disorders | Vol. 2, No. 1 (Winter 2004) | 60 pages | PDF (1.25MB)

  • Editor's Message (Eric Macnaughton)
  • Concurrent Disorders: From Solitudes to Similitude? [guest editorial] (John F. Anderson)
  • Addiction and Concurrent Disorders: What are They and How Can They be Dealt With?
  • Best Practices: Guidelines for the Treatment and Support of People with Concurrent Substance Use and Mental Disorders (Brian Rush)
  • Concurrent Disorders: Considerations for Evidence-Based Policy (Gulrose Jiwani and Julian Somers (co-authors))
  • A History of Alcohol and Drug Services in BC (Ron Duffell)
  • Discrimination 2: The Double Stigma Against People with Mental Illness and Addictions (Harkirat Kaur)
  • The Hidden Addiction: Adverse Effects of Benzodiazapines and other Psychiatric Drugs (Janet Currie)
  • Substance Use by Girls and Young Women: Taking Gender into Account in Prevention and Treatment (Nancy Poole)
  • Crystal Meth Psychosis (Ian Martin)
  • The Skinny on Crystal Meth (Victoria Schuckel)
  • Double Trouble (David Carrigg)
  • Discovering my Dragon - and Starting to Tame it (Neil)
  • Reflections from the Field (Debbie Suian)
  • Tales from the Trenches: An Expert Speaks (Larry)
  • Lost and Found (Gordon Harper)
  • Vernon's Gemini and Phoenix Programs (Ron Nichol (with Les Storey))
  • From Personal Experience to Practice: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety Disorders and Substance Use (Nichole Fairbrother)
  • Women's Pain: Working with Women Concurrently on Substance Use, Experience of Trauma and Mental Health Issues (Nancy Poole)
  • Concurrent Mood Disorder, Cluster Symptoms and Substance Abuse: A GP's Approach (Colin Horricks)
  • Mental Illness, Addiction and the Supervised Injection Facility: New Narratives on the Downtown Eastside (Dan Small)
  • Helping People with Concurrent Disorders in the Justice System: The Seattle Mental Health Court Model
  • Housing, Mental Illness and Substance Misuse (John Russell)
  • Uncovering the Elements of Success: Working with Co-occurring Disorders in Residential Support Programs (Gary Beaulieu and Thomas Flanders)
  • Providing Services to Clients with Concurrent Disorders (Deb Solk)
  • The Comprehensive, Continuous, Integrated System of Care Model
    (Kenneth Minkoff)
  • A Scan Around BC: Reconfiguring Mental Health and Addiction Services in the Health Authorities (Mykle Ludvigsen)
  • Concurrent Disorders in the Okanagan Valley: Sketching out Potential Service Options (Carmen Lenihan)
  • Vancouver Coastal Health: Redesign of Addictions Services and Concurrent Disorders (Susann Richter)
  • On the Street: Mental Illness and Addiction on the Downtown Eastside (Cynthia Row and Mykle Ludvigsen)
  • What's so 'Special' about Special Populations? New Programs for Women and Youth with Concurrent Disorders (Shimi Kang) [interview]
  • Mental Disorders and Addictions in a School Setting (Jo Ann Green)
  • Promoting Holistic Wellness in Mental Health and Addictions: A Research Theme of the BC Aboriginal Capacity and Research Development Environment


Self-Management | Vol. 1, No. 18 (Fall 2003) | 48 pages | PDF (1.1 MB)

  • Editor's Message (Eric Macnaughton)
  • Self-Management in the Mental Health Field [Guest Editorial] (Dan Bilsker)
  • How Families Can Help in Self-Management of a Mental Disorder (Nicole Chovil)
  • Health Literacy and Management of Chronic Health Conditions (Irving Rootman)
  • Self-Efficacy and the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (Patrick McGowan)
  • Mind vs. Matter: Perception and Recovery (Coralie McCormick)
  • Self-Management and Addictions (Lisa Dive)
  • Caring for Self and Others: Consumer Board and Committee Participation (Deborah MacNamara)
  • The Challenge to Manage (Nan Dickie)
  • Limitations and Complexities of my Self-Management (Sarah Hamid-Balma)
  • My Brother's Nightmare: Coming to Terms with and Learning to Manage Hallucinations (M.C. Wong)
  • Self-Management of Psychosis and Schizophrenia (Pavlina Vagnerova)
  • Valuable Advice (Jim Gifford)
  • On the Morning Tides: Hope in Self-Management of Mental Illness (Scott Whyte)
  • Self-Control and Bipolar Mood Disorder (Erika)
  • My Path to Wellness: From Psychotic Depression to Recovery (Debbie Sesula)
  • Tips for Self-Management of Eating Disorder Symptoms (Tannis Hugill)
  • Practical Mindfulness: Tending the Mind and Spirit to Mend the Mood (Victoria Maxwell)
  • Bipolar Self-Management Program Review (Pavlina Vagnerova)
  • Hearing Voices that are not Real (Cynthia Row)
  • Checking Things Out (Paul Bhushan)
  • Evidence-Based Treatments for Alcohol Problems: Brief Interventions
    (Julian M. Somers)
  • Stepped Care: Moving Beyond the Vision to the Evidence (John F. Anderson)
  • Building Mental Health Literacy: The Mental Illness First Aid Course
    (Jonathan Oldman)
  • 'Don't Trust Anyone Over 30': Youth Net Facilitates Mental Health Literacy by Youth for Youth (Amanda Walker)
  • Visioning Recovery in a Day Program: Schizophrenia Rehabilitation Day Program (Otto Lim)
  • Early Psychosis Intervention: Group Therapy (Marie Nightingale)
  • Survey of Chronic Disease Management in BC: Focus on Self-Management of Mental Illness within Primary Care (Mykle Ludvigsen)
  • BC Clinical Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Depression
    (Raymond W. Lam)
  • Chronic Disease Self-Management: Program Effective Over the Long Haul
    (Kathy Smith)
  • Turning Over a New LEAF: A Self-Management Program for Adults with Panic Disorder (Sarah Newth)
  • LEAF Participant Profile (Mykle Ludvigsen)
  • Getting from Where We Are to Where We Want To Be (Debbie Sesula)
  • My BRIDGES Diary (Tracy May)

