Join OPEN: Ontario Provincial Education Network

E-mail the Minister of Education

Welcome to OPEN, the Ontario Provincial Education Network.

By registering with OPEN, you will receive updates on important education initiatives. You can also use OPEN to contact me directly with your ideas and concerns. I look forward to hearing from you.


OPEN is provided by the Ministry of Education, with third-party software support, to notify you of new information and ask for advice on education developments, policies and events. Any personal information you provide will be used only for this purpose. If you provided additional contact information it will only be used to contact you about education developments, policies and events. Your personal information is collected by the ministry under s. 8.1 of the Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.2, as amended Your name will not be placed on any other mailing list.

If you have questions about the collection of your personal information, please contact the Manager of the Correspondence and Public Inquiries Unit, 14th Floor, Mowat Block, 900 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1L2 (416) 325-2444.