Adobe Acrobat

To make Ministry of Education and Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities publications as freely accessible as possible, most of them have been posted to this site in HTML format – the Web standard and the format immediately readable by all browsers.

Particular documents, especially those that include large images, charts, or forms, have been made available here in Adobe® Acrobat® Portable Document Format (PDF), particularly when the Acrobat PDF version would be faster to download than an HTML document with large graphics. PDF files preserve the look of the printed publication so that when you load an Adobe Acrobat document from this site, you can view and print it in its original layout and design. Unlike HTML, PDF files can be viewed and printed a page at a time with original page numbering.

Get AcrobatRecent versions of Netscape and other browsers include built-in support for Adobe Acrobat files. If your browser doesn't recognize the Adobe Acrobat format, you can download the free software from the Adobe website. The reader is available for all popular computer platforms, including Windows®, Macintosh®, OS/2®, UNIX, and Linux.