Information &
Information Technology

Making a Difference

The Speed of Change
You’ve heard it said before, the only constant today is change.  The Ontario Government must change in order to meet customer requirements, comply with new policies, standards, and regulations, and maintain the services that knit the community together.  An obvious tool for change has been the wealth of technological advance that has altered our landscape forever.

So, Let's Manage The Change…
Organizational change management focuses on the cultural and behavioural changes needed to help employees adapt to a new way of working.  It examines and alters processes, evaluates results of change, and adjusts the workplace to harmonize employee and technology as much as possible.  Understanding where the technology is taking us enables us to align the transformation of the organizational culture to meet both business goals and human needs.

Thus, the challenges of external change provide an opportunity for creating a work environment which is a workplace of choice, and a workplace that allows us to make a difference…


... and we are Making a Difference!
Our I&IT organization, through our staff, is making a difference every day.

Our success stories, our models of best practices, the awards we receive and the innovative research we do demonstrate this very important impact.


To strengthen its citizen-centred approach to government, the province has begun to develop a strategy on citizen engagement. One component of this strategy is intended to expand the use of electronic channels, mainly the Internet, to help bring citizens closer to their government. The goal is to ensure citizens have access to a wide range of tools and information that will enable them to participate more fully in the democratic process.

Current initiatives

Government Services Minister Gerry Phillips recently introduced the Public Service of Ontario Statute Law Amendment Act, which will support and maintain a high standard of integrity for public servants while providing important protections public servants need to deliver high-quality services to Ontarians. Learn more