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Adoption in Ontario

Ontario is making adoption possible for more children in Ontario by making adoption more flexible for children and friendlier for parents.  Find out how new reforms are improving the province's adoption system.McGuinty Government Strengthening Ontario's Child Protection System

Adoption in Ontario can be carried out in four different ways, through:

Licensed service providers are also available to assist birth parents who are considering adoption for their child.
More information follows on each of the adoption options and answers to commonly asked questions.  For birth parents considering adoption, there is a separate section with basic information and questions and answers.  More detailed information on adoption in Ontario is available in a number of ministry publications included on this web site, including lists of approved adoption practitioners and licensees.

For more information on adoption, or for a glossary of terms related to adoption, please refer to International Adoption Non-Relative Guide – A Guide for Ontario Families.

For More Information

For more Information on adoption, contact:

Ministry of Children and Youth Services
Adoption Unit
80 Grosvenor Street, 7th Floor Hepburn Block 
Toronto ON  M7A 1E9
Tel: (416) 327-4742
Fax: (416) 212-6799

For more Information on the Adoption Disclosure Register, contact:

Adoption Disclosure Register
2 Bloor Street West, 24th Floor
Toronto ON M7A 1E9
Tel: (416) 327-4730
Fax: (416) 327-0573

For confidentiality purposes, the Adoption Disclosure Register responds to e-mail inquiries by regular mail. In your e-mail inquiry, please include your mailing address and postal code.

If you prefer, please include your daytime telephone number, including area code.

In the News In the News

News Releases
McGuinty Government To Make Adoption Possible For More Children
McGuinty Government Eliminating Fees On All International Adoptions
Recent Publications Publications

Today's Child - November 2006
Step-Parent and Relative Adoptions
List of Adoption Agencies and Licensees Authorized to Handle Adoptions Involving Children Outside of Canada
International Adoption Non-Relative Guide
Approved Private Adoption Practitioners
International Adoption of a Relative
Children's Aid Society Adoption
Relative and Step-Parent Adoption When the Child is a Resident in Ontario
List of adoption agencies and licensees (under CFSA) authorized to handle adoptions involving Canadian children
Are you thinking of adoption for your child?
Private Adoption
International Adoption
How to Adopt a Child in Ontario

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Last Modified: 12/1/2006 6:27:40 PM