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Home / Programs and Services / Children with Special Needs

  Children with Special Needs
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Children With Special Needs

This web page is intended to assist parents and caregivers seeking information about services funded and/or provided by the Ontario government for children with physical, intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, mental health disorders, medical problems or those who need specialized services to participate in daily living activities. 
Services for Children with Developmental Disabilities 
Child and Youth Mental Health Services
Specialized Services 
Health Services
Other Programs and Services 
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For More Information

Please contact the nearest regional office of the Ministry of Children and Youth Services.


In the News In the News
Children with Special Needs

News Releases
McGuinty Government Helping Students With Autism Reach their Full Potential
Ontario Expanding Supports For Children And Youth With Autism
McGuinty Government Providing Assistance For More Children And Youth With Special Needs
McGuinty Government Helping More Children With Severe Special Needs
Ontario Providing More Autism Therapy To Young Children
McGuinty Government Expanding Mental Health Services To Support More Children And Youth In Hamilton Area
McGuinty Government Expanding Mental Health Services To Support More Children And Youth
New Supports for Children with Autism Now in Place Across Ontario
Recent Publications Publications
Children with Special Needs

A Shared Responsibility - Ontario’s Policy Framework for Child and Youth Mental Health
Autism Intervention Program: Program Guidelines
Ontario government working to support children and youth with autism

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Ministry of Children and Youth Services
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Last Modified: 8/24/2006 2:26:00 PM