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The online Course Guide is divided into two different areas, Credit Courses and Non-Credit ESL Courses. You can access the course descriptions by clicking on the left-side navigation bar.

Be sure to click on the Read Me First! section for more information about taking ILC courses.

The complete Course Guide and forms can also be downloaded in PDF format by clicking one of the links below.



Course Guide

Course Guide
(PDF, 2MB)*

Course Request Form
(PDF, 185KB)*
Complete your form on-screen, then print and sign it.

ESL Enrolment Form
(PDF, 119KB)*


Forms must be sent to the ILC by mail or fax. You may also drop them off at ILC with payment attached, during office hours. You cannot enrol online.

Please note that information in the Course Guide is subject to change. For new course releases and policy updates, please check the Highlights! on the right side of the page. For the most up-to-date course information, please refer to our online course guide.

*Available in PDF. Download Adobe Reader here.

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