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House Business

Links to information about the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario

Orders and Notices

Votes and Proceedings


Throne Speech [pdf]


Parliamentary Calendar 2006

Parliamentary Calendar 2007

Status of Current Business - 38th Parliament, 2nd Session

Public Bills Index

An indexed listing of all legislation introduced during the session showing dates of readings, referral to committees, dates of consideration, Royal Assent and proclamations, where applicable.


Information concerning expenditure estimates for all government Ministries and Offices and specifically includes time allocated and dates of consideration, together with reporting and concurrence dates for selected Ministries/Offices, in the Standing Committee on Estimates.


Information about Standing and Select Committees, including membership, substitutions, terms of reference, matters referred to them and titles and dates of reports presented.

Sessional Papers

An alphabetical listing of all documents, annual reports, committee reports, compendia and public opinion surveys tabled in the House as Sessional Papers, showing Sessional Paper numbers and dates of tabling.

Written Questions and Answers

A numerical listing of interim and final answers to written questions listed on the Order Paper.


A numerical list of all petitions tabled which conform to the Standing Orders, including the names of presenters, dates of tabling and the response date.

Motions and Resolutions

Full text of all Government resolutions filed for the consideration of the House, dates considered and their disposition following debate.

Private Members' Motions

Full text of all Private Members' resolutions filed for the consideration of the House, dates considered and their disposition following debate.

Special Debates, Opposition Days

Full text of all Opposition Day and Want of Confidence motions filed for the consideration of the House, dates considered and their disposition following debate.

Standing Orders

Petitioning the Assembly

Previous Sessions


Start Date and End Date

38th Parliament, 1st Session

November 19, 2003 to September 19, 2005

37th Parliament, 4th Session

April 30, 2003 to September 2, 2003

37th Parliament, 3rd Session

May 9, 2002 to March 12, 2003

37th Parliament, 2nd Session

April 19, 2001 to March 1, 2002

37th Parliament, 1st Session

October 20, 1999 to March 2, 2001

36th Parliament, 3rd Session

April 22, 1999 to May 4, 1999

36th Parliament, 2nd Session

April 23, 1998 to December 17, 1998

36th Parliament, 1st Session

September 26, 1995 to December 18, 1997