The Interview

  • Informational Interviewing Tutorial (from Quintessential Careers). An informational interview should be an integral part of your networking and job-hunting plan. An informational interview involves talking with people who are currently working in the field to gain a better understanding of an occupation or industry – and to build a network of contacts in that field.

  • Interview from the Youth Employment Information site.

  • An Interview Survival Guide from the Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers.

  • Is this the right job for you? from Canada Prospects 2000.

  • Interview Tips from includes Don't Sweat the Interview, a Virtual Interview, Telephone Tips and an Interview Planner.

  • Ace the Interview is a practical ten-point guide from the Career Toolbox at

  • The University of Waterloo's Career Development Manual includes sections on the Interviews.

  • The Job Interview from nextNET in Calgary is clear and well-organized. It includes Preparing for the Interview, Common Interview Questions, Stages of the Interview, After the Interview, and a section called More Information which includes more interview questions, tips for a telephone interview, and the lighter side of the job interview.

  • The Career Journal from the Wall Street Journal offers a list of articles on Interviewing Guidance.

  • Learn all about interviews from the Interviewing section at CareerCity.