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Job Search

Looking for a job is demanding and time-consuming. But before you can work in Canada, you'll need a Social Insurance Number (SIN) issued by Human Resources and Social Development Canada.

Human Resources and Social Development Canada provides employment assistance services to unemployed individuals. These services include employment counselling, job search skills and job placement. For more information on the services offered, contact your local Human Resources and Social Development Canada office.

Job Search Skills

The following sites provide useful information on how to complete job applications, write effective résumés and cover letters. You'll also find tips on how to network and how to do well in job interviews.

Finding Jobs

The following links will help you find work in today's job market.

Finding Jobs in the Skilled Trades

You can use the following links to access the resources needed to find out about jobs in the skilled trades in Ontario. To be employed in certain skilled trades however, you must have a Certificate of Qualification. This certificate states that you have passed the provincial qualification exam that assesses your knowledge of the trade.

In addition, the Red Seal Program allows qualified tradespersons to practice their trade in any Canadian province or territory where the trade is designated. Ontario does not participate in all the Red Seal trades.

Finding Jobs - People with Disabilities

Finding Jobs - Students

Whether you are looking for your first job, an internship opportunity, or a summer job, the following links can help you reach your goals.

Finding Jobs - Foreign-trained Workers

If you have a certificate, diploma and/or degree from another country, the following links will help you match your educational achievements to the needs of Ontario-based employers. As well, "bridging" programs may help you acquire the additional education and skills you need to meet Ontario standards without duplicating the learning you have already gained elsewhere.

Usually, credential assessment services require the English or French translation of all foreign language documents. You may find the following link a useful tool while searching for a translation service.

Working Temporarily in Canada from Abroad

Foreign workers wishing to find temporary employment in Canada will require, in almost all cases, a valid work permit issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

Premier McGuinty's site
Fairness - It's Time for Fairness for All Canadians
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Copyright information:© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2005
Last Modified: November 24, 2006