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Family Responsibility Office

Our goal is to help families in Ontario receive the financial support they are entitled to by enforcing court ordered support responsibilities


July 6, 2006
McGuinty Government Makes Family Support Payment System More Fair for Everyone
QUEEN’S PARK – The McGuinty government is cutting through the red tape so that family support payments are made in a way that is fair to all parents, Minister of Community and Social Services Madeleine Meilleur announced today. [More]

June 9, 2005
McGuinty Government Makes Ontario A Leader In Enforcing Family Support Payments
TORONTO – Ontario is set to become a national leader in enforcing family support payments thanks to new legislation that gives stronger enforcement authority to the Family Responsibility Office (FRO), Minister of Community and Social Services Sandra Pupatello announced today. [More]

May 4, 2005
Ontario Government Takes Next Major Step In Improving Family Responsibility Office
TORONTO - The Ontario government today announced that Themis Program Management and Consulting Limited will provide new technology to overhaul operations at the Family Responsibility Office (FRO). [More]