About Job Connect

This Ontario government program offers a range of services to respond to the employment needs of individuals and skilled labour needs of employers.

The program helps people plan, prepare for and succeed in the job market and can help individuals on a path to higher skills training and employment. Services are available across Ontario.

Employers who operate a business in Ontario and who are looking to hire staff may also benefit from Job Connect services.

What's offered?

The program has three service components that are tailored to meet individual needs:

  • The Information and Resource Service (IRS) provides information on careers and occupations, the local labour market, training opportunities and job search strategies. There is information on apprenticeship training and resources for Internationally Trained Individuals seeking employment commensurate with their skills.
  • Employment Planning and Preparation (EPP) helps people to clarify their employment needs, establish short- and long-term goals, develop an action plan, and search for a job.
  • Job Development and Placement Support (JDPS) helps people develop their skills and gain on-the-job work experience.

Who can participate?

  • Information and Resource Service: Anyone seeking employment and/or training can access this walk-in community resource.
  • Employment Planning and Preparation: People who are at least 16 years old, out of school and out of work, and not receiving Employment Insurance benefits.
  • Job Development and Placement Support: People who are at least 16 years of age, out of school, out of work, not currently in a training program, and not receiving Employment Insurance benefits.

Summer Jobs Service

Most of the organizations that deliver Job Connect also help young people find summer jobs through the Summer Jobs Service (SJS). The service provides jobs for students aged 15 to 24 (up to 29 for a person with a disability), and a $2/hour hiring incentive for employers.

How can I find out more about Job Connect?

Call the toll-free Employment Ontario Hotline at 1-800-387-5656-, or (416) 326-5656 in Toronto, for the name of the organization delivering Job Connect in your area.