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Register / Renew / Change
Incorporating Your Business |  Register / Renew |  OBC Service Locations |  Provincial / Federal Services |  Private-Sector Services |  Change / Close

Change of Business Information Service

This is a fast and easy way to notify the Ministry of Government Services, the Ontario Ministry of Finance, and Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) that you are updating your business information or that you are closing your account.

This service is free. If you are changing your address information, please do not make changes before you move or before it becomes effective.

This will open a new browser window taking you to the Change / Close service to change your Business Information or scroll down for more information.

PLEASE NOTE:  You cannot change your corporation information such as directors, officers or registered head office address with the Ministry of Government Services using this service. If you wish to change your corporation information with the Ministry of Government Services, see the Frequently Asked Questions.

The service can be used to update your address if you have a Corporations Tax account with Ministry of Finance, or a Corporate Income Tax account with the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency.

Here is what you need before you start:

  • We recommend you use Internet Explorer 5.5 or Netscape 6.3 or higher, capable of 128-bit encryption as the preferred browsers for this service. Some platforms and browsers may not be able to support this service. If you experience difficulties, please see the Frequently Asked Questions
  • Account number(s) to identify the specific accounts that you wish to update
  • Business/trade/operating name
  • Authorization and personal contact information should the ministry or CCRA need to contact you to confirm your changes. This includes your name, title, daytime telephone number and e-mail address

For the Ministry of Government Services (MGS) you will need:

  • Business Identification Number (BIN)
  • Principal Place of Business in Ontario
  • Business Mailing Address
  • Business Owner’s Name and Address

Need More Information? Press here

For the Ministry of Finance (MOF) you will need:

  • Retail Sales Tax – Vendor Permit Number
  • Corporations Tax Number
  • Employer Health Tax Number
  • New Principal Place of Business
  • New Business Mailing Address
  • New Business Telephone and Fax Numbers
  • Business Owner’s Name

You can change business information such as business and mailing addresses, telephone and fax numbers or close your RST and EHT program accounts.  You cannot change your legal name.

For Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) you will need:

  • Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) Account Number
  • Payroll Deductions Account Number
  • Import/Export Account Number
  • Corporate Income Tax Account Number
  • New Principal Place of Business
  • New Business Mailing Address
  • New Program Account Contact Information
  • Business Owner’s Name and Telephone Numbers

You can change business information such as business and mailing addresses, telephone and fax numbers, program account contact information or close your GST/HST, Payroll Deductions and Corporate Income Tax program accounts.

Your personal information will not be shared among the ministries or CCRA. This ensures your privacy will be protected as required by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have questions or need help using this service, please review the Frequently Asked Questions. If you have comments about this service or wish to contact us, please go to our feedback form.

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 maintained by the Government of Ontario