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The Business Information Service (MyBIS) is an Ontario Business Connects (OBC) initiative to expand the business-to-government relationship. By subscribing to this e-mail service, you can receive relevant links to information you want, quickly and easily. You will have a choice of business topics such as taxation, training, export, import, intellectual property and more.

This is how it works:

When you subscribe to MyBIS, you will be asked to select options that best fit your area of business. Based on your selections, the system searches our partner database sources and automatically sends you personalized e-mail with current and updated hyperlinks specific to your business interests.

MyBIS subscribers can change their existing preferences at any time by logging on to MyBIS.

We recommend you use Internet Explorer 6.0 or Netscape 7.01 or higher, as the perferred browsers for this system. We have tested using lower browser versions, that support the functionality of this service, but cannot guarantee the layout of screens.

Login to MyBIS

You will receive e-mail only when new relevant hyperlinks are added or updated to the resource library.

As a MyBIS subscriber, you can:

  • Select and/or change business information that interests you
  • Select how often you would like to receive this e-mail
  • Select your language of preference for e-mail and hyperlinks (English or French)
  • Edit your personal profile
  • Change your business interest selections
  • Search for upcoming events
  • Register for events
  • Receive e-mail notices for upcoming events

Subscribe to MyBIS now

to start receiving hyperlinks to business information that interests you!

This site maintained by the Government of Ontario