Consumer Protection

Shopping Smart

As a consumer, you expect quality products and services at fair prices and you should complain to businesses when you are not satisfied with your purchases. It’s also up to you to find out the seller’s refund and exchange policies before you buy and to present complaints accurately and fairly.

 Quick Tips    

  • Research the product or service before you buy. You may want to visit the Competition Bureau website for more information.
  • Deal with stores you trust based on past experience. If you haven’t shopped at a store before, ask friends and family about their purchasing experiences.
  • Compare prices, guarantees or warranties and agreements.
  • If you don’t understand an agreement, ask the seller to explain it clearly before you buy.
  • Get all promises in writing and keep your receipts.
  • Be wary of extravagant sales claims. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. 

When You Have a Problem   

Sometimes you won’t be satisfied with your purchase. If you want to complain, here are some tips to achieve the best result:

  • Know what you want. Would you like a store to take back an item or offer to have it fixed or replaced?
  • Talk to the right person. The clerk may not be authorized to offer a refund. Working your way up the company ladder may take more time, but could net you better results.
  • Keep good records. Make note of the dates and names of people you’ve spoken with about your complaint.
  • Write a letter of complaint. If talking doesn’t work, send a letter to the company in a way you can track (such as registered mail, e-mail or fax with confirmed delivery).

Contact the Consumer Services Bureau

We answer telephone inquiries and mediate written complaints between consumers and businesses.

Enforcement News 

Read about convictions under the Consumer Protection Act, 2002.

Current initiatives

Government Services Minister Gerry Phillips recently introduced the Public Service of Ontario Statute Law Amendment Act, which will support and maintain a high standard of integrity for public servants while providing important protections public servants need to deliver high-quality services to Ontarians. Learn more