Consumer Protection

Travelling Smart

Everyone looks forward to a vacation, whether it’s the lights and excitement of a cosmopolitan city or a quiet stretch of beach. Whatever kind of vacation you choose, take the time to ensure it’s a good one.

Quick Tips

  • Book with a registered Ontario travel agent to ensure you are protected in case of an airline or cruise line failure. Under the Travel Industry Act, travel agents and travel wholesalers in Ontario must be registered with the Travel Industry Council of Ontario (TICO), and meet the requirements and regulations of the act.
  • Always purchase your travel services from a TICO registered travel agency to enjoy the consumer protection provisions found under the act.
  • Talk with your travel agent. Understand what services are offered, the prices and the terms and conditions of your reservation, including refund policies and any penalties.
  • Some travel agents charge a non-refundable travel-counselling fee. Find out in advance if your travel agent does.
  • Don't let illness or mishap cost you the price of your vacation. Play it safe by taking travel cancellation insurance.
  • Get it in writing. Before you buy, always get a written confirmation with all the details of your trip.
  • Protect yourself from fraud and identity theft. Never carry more personal documents than you need and be sure to keep them safe.

 Your Rights

Your agent must:

  • promptly provide you with a receipt once you have made payment to your travel agency for travel services;
  • inform you of the Terms and Conditions of your booking, including any options for changing, continuing or cancelling the trip;
  • verify all the information in your ticket, voucher, itinerary, information or documents, before giving them to you;
  • advise you of any special entry requirements and what travel documentation will be required for each person travelling, if you are travelling outside of Canada;
  • advise you about the availability of trip cancellation insurance and out-of-province health insurance, if applicable.

Both Ontario travel retailers and travel wholesalers must disclose the full cost of the travel services in their advertisements. This protects consumers from hidden fees (i.e. a trip to London is advertised as $200, but when you book, you pay an additional $200 in taxes, surcharges and other fees). The ad must provide the total price of the trip or the base price.

Ontario Travel Industry Compensation Fund

Always purchase your travel services from a registered Ontario travel agency to make sure you are protected by the Ontario Travel Industry Compensation Fund. The fund protects consumers who purchase their travel services from registered Ontario retailers when they do not receive the travel services purchased due to the bankruptcy or insolvency of either an Ontario registered travel retailer or wholesaler or the failure of an airline or cruise line.

The compensation fund may provide compensation up to a maximum of $5,000 per person, but doesn't cover items such as insurance premiums and the cost of replacement travel services.

Need Help?

TICO helps consumers with complaints against an Ontario registered travel retailer or travel wholesaler. Remember that TICO will only address a complaint after the consumer has tried to resolve the matter with the travel retailer or travel wholesaler first. If you are unhappy with the response from the travel company, you may contact TICO for help with your complaint.

TICO takes complaints from consumers against Ontario registered travel retailers and wholesalers, and acts as a liaison between the consumer and the travel company in order to resolve the complaint. TICO reviews all information and determines if regulatory action is required, TICO does not have the authority to settle a dispute or to impose a settlement in any complaint matter.

For More Information

If you want to learn more about TICO, the Travel Compensation Fund, TICO's complaints process or the other consumer protection provisions, visit TICO's website at or e-mail TICO at or call TICO at 1-888-451-TICO (8426).

If that doesn’t produce results, see our Need Help section.

Who registers travel industry agencies and wholesalers and who can I contact for consumer advice?

It's recommended that you purchase your travel services from an Ontario-registered travel agency. Dealing with an Ontario-registered agency is your guarantee of protection under the Travel Industry Act and by the Travel Industry Compensation Fund.

The Ontario Travel Industry Compensation Fund protects consumers who purchase travel services from an Ontario-registered travel agency and who do not receive their travel services due to the bankruptcy or insolvency of an Ontario travel retailer, Ontario travel wholesaler, airline or cruise line.

The Travel Industry Council of Ontario (TICO) is mandated by the Ontario government to administer the Travel Industry Act and the industry-financed compensation fund. Find out if an agency is registered by contacting TICO:

Toll-free: 1-888-451-TICO (8426)


Contact the Consumer Services Bureau

We answer telephone inquiries and mediate written complaints between consumers and businesses.

Enforcement News 

Read about convictions under the Consumer Protection Act, 2002.

Current initiatives

Government Services Minister Gerry Phillips recently introduced the Public Service of Ontario Statute Law Amendment Act, which will support and maintain a high standard of integrity for public servants while providing important protections public servants need to deliver high-quality services to Ontarians. Learn more