Welcome to the University of Guelph.

Universities are among the few places in society where a large part of our purpose is to foster ideas and innovation, to dream and to inspire hope.

Universities are also a place for applying fast-changing knowledge and learning in ways that improve people’s lives. I call it “knowledge in action.”

Here at the University of Guelph, we’re seeking and creating opportunities to make a difference to lives and life.
We offer an environment where ideas and opinions can flourish. Where researchers and scholars anticipate opportunities and develop solutions. Where students learn to look to tomorrow. Where people adapt in healthy ways to a changing world.

I invite you to explore this website to learn about ideas, issues and events here on campus and in the wider world. And I encourage you to share your own ideas by contacting president@uoguelph.ca or 519 824-4120, Ext. 52200.

Together we can make a better world for today and for our shared tomorrow.

Dr. Franco J. Vaccarino 
President and Vice-Chancellor

Strategic Framework

Strategic Frameworkd Website


University of Guelph