
Under the University of Guelph Act (1964) the Senate is responsible for the election of the Chancellor. The Chancellor, subject to the will of the Senate, holds office for a renewable three-year term. 

The Chancellor is the titular head of the University, and confers all degrees. The Chancellor is an ex-officio voting member of the Senate and the Board of Governors. 

The office of Chancellor is currently vacant. In keeping with the University of Guelph Act, the President & Vice-Chancellor will fulfill the ceremonial duties of the Chancellor for the duration of the vacancy. 

Information about plans to begin the search for a new Chancellor is forthcoming. The process will be overseen by U of G’s Senate.  

George Drew – 1965 - 1971​
Former mayor of Guelph, premier of Ontario and Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom

Emmett Hall – 1971 - 1977
Former Chief Justice of Saskatchewan and justice of the Supreme Court of Canada

Pauline McGibbon – 1977 - 1983
Former Lieutenant Governor of Ontario

William Stewart – 1983 - 1989
Former Ontario Minister of Agriculture

Edmund Bovey – 1989 - 1990
Business and arts leader

Lincoln Alexander – 1991 - 2007
Former federal Minister of Labour and Lieutenant Governor of Ontario

Pamela Wallin – 2007 - 2011
Senator, former Consul General of Canada in New York and former television journalist

David Mirvish – 2011 - 2017
Real estate developer, theatre producer and art collector

Martha Billes – 2017 - 2020
Business leader, founder of Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities

Contact Information

If you have questions about the Office of the Chancellor, please e-mail: