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Location: Ministry of Government Services > Archives of Ontario > Online Exhibits > Canadian Posters from the First World War > The Canadian Patriotic Fund

Canadian Posters from the First World War: The Canadian Patriotic Fund - Title Banner
PoppyCanadian Posters from the First World War - Side Banner      

The Canadian Patriotic Fund was established to provide adequate support and comfort to wives and other dependents of those men who had volunteered their services to their Country. The Governor General of Canada was President and the Minister of Finance was Treasurer.

The Funds administration was centralized in Ottawa with branches established in every major centre of enlistment across the country. Volunteers in the communities gave their services for the distribution of the funds and for looking after the well being of affected families.

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Overseas Service Scale of Pay
[Canada], [between 1914 and 1918]
Creator unknown
Archives of Ontario War Poster Collection
Reference Code: C 233-2-0-4-194
Archives of Ontario, I0016174

War Poster - Patriotic Fund: Overseas Service Scale of Pay [Canada], [between 1914 and 1918]
War Poster - Patriotic Fund: G-Bye Mary, the Patriotic Fund Will Care for You [Canada], [between 1914 and 1918]

Pay issued to an enlisted man was considered enough for that individual but did not include enough to support a family. A monthly separation allowance was provided to the wife of an enlisted man sent overseas, the amount being dependant on rank as was pay. In cases of hardship it was necessary to provide additional support based on the number of eligible dependents.

Although the government established the Fund it was supported initially by donations from the population and by grants from different municipal organizations.


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G-Bye Mary, the Patriotic Fund Will Care for You
[Canada], [between 1914 and 1918]
Creator unknown
Archives of Ontario War Poster Collection
Reference Code: C 233-2-0-5-268
Archives of Ontario, I0016186

A schedule of payments was determined and the Patriotic Fund initially granted each wife or dependant mother $5.00 to $10.00 per month. A scale was set for the provision of support for the children and linked to their age. This amount provided from the Fund was modified as the war progressed. Poster campaigns, often originating in local areas, encouraged the population to contribute to the Fund.



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Fight or Pay
[Canada], [between 1914 and 1918]
Creator unknown
Archives of Ontario War Poster Collection
Reference Code: C 233-2-0-5-191
Archives of Ontario, I001618

War Poster - Patriotic Fund: Fight or Pay [Canada], [between 1914 and 1918]

War Poster - Patriotic Fund: Show Our Boys Again! [Canada], [between 1914 and 1918]
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Show Our Boys Again! [Canada], [between 1914 and 1918]
Creator unknown
Archives of Ontario War Poster Collection
Reference Code: C 233-2-0-2-35
Archives of Ontario, I0016377

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Home Victory
The Canadian
Patriotic Fund
Recruitment Poster