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Location: Ministry of Government Services > Archives of Ontario > Online Exhibits > War Artists from the First World War > The Home Front

War Artists from the First World War: The Home Front - Page Banner
The Archives of Ontario Remembers War Artists from the First World War - Side Banner      
Artists painting and sketching on the home fronts in both England and Canada had to contend with many difficulties. There was a general antipathy towards the artists seen sketching in dockyards and munitions factories. They were often considered to be spies and were reported to the authorities, which led to lengthy explanations and embarrassing encounters with the local police.

The issuing of permits that gave access to various facilities engaged in war work was meant to ease the situation though it made little difference. Their activities as artists were often seen as frivolous by those engaged in the war effort both from the point of view of wasting materials and energy that could be better put to other more practical uses.

Several women artists sketched in factories, dockyards, military camps and aircraft assembly plants.


Lecture to Canadian Officers Training Corps at University of Toronto - Victoria College in Background
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Lecture to Canadian Officers Training Corps at University of Toronto - Victoria College in Background
C. W. Jefferys
Reference Code: C 334-1-5-0-15
Archives of Ontario, I0013639
Canadian artist Dorothy Stevens created memorable images of the industrial processes that supported the war effort. Some of those images are included here.
Ship Building the Freighter
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Ship Building the Freighter, 1919
Dorothy Stevens
Reference Code: C 334-1-5-0-16
Archives of Ontario, I0013279
British Forgings
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British Forgings, 1919
Dorothy Stevens
Reference Code: C 334-1-5-0-19
Archives of Ontario, I0013282
Ready for Shipment, Aeroplane Factory no. 2
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The Sea Boat, Aeroplane
Factory no.1, 1919
Dorothy Stevens
Reference Code: C 334-1-5-0-20
Archives of Ontario, I0013283

The Sea Boat, Aeroplane Factory no.1
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Ready for Shipment, Aeroplane
Factory no. 2, 1919
Dorothy Stevens
Reference Code: C 334-1-5-0-21
Archives of Ontario, I0013284
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