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SAF Department Mandate and Branches


Deputy Minister's Office

SAF Branches:

Each branch and agency made a commitment to:

  • Contribute to furthering the vision and goals of SAF within their mandates.
  • Pro-actively manage human resources to maximize employee potential and performance by: integrating individual work plans with branch objectives, enhancing performance management, facilitating learning opportunities, and responding to employee survey action teams.
  • Develop an active communication plan that promotes recognition for branch and department efforts, increases credibility of staff, and improves client understanding of how individuals and branches work to enhance development of the agriculture and food industry.

Agri-Business Development - To provide specialist, agriculture-based business experts, and technical support for a vibrant agricultural industry.

Agriculture Research - Supports research and development to promote the development and diversification of the agriculture and food sectors in Saskatchewan, add value to agricultural products, and develop improved and environmentally sustainable practices.

Communications - To provide strategic communications planning and services for the Department of Agriculture and Food.

Corporate Services - To provide financial, human resources, operation and business leadership and expertise to support and strengthen Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food, Information Technology Office and Rural Economic Co-operative Development.

Crop Development - To provide strategic development and production services for a thriving crop sector.

Financial Programs - To develop and manage programs that support and strengthen Saskatchewan agriculture

Inspection and Regulatory Management - To support the agri-food industry by providing services and administering regulations for food and crop protection, animal disease surveillance, environmental reviews, inspections, licenses, registrations and complaint resolution.

Irrigation Development - To provide strategic, technical, economic and environmental leadership to irrigation development in Saskatchewan.

Lands - To promote the sustainable and integrated use of Crown land while providing opportunities for diversification and economic growth.

Livestock Development - To provide strategic development and production services for a thriving livestock industry

Market Development and Food - Support the development of Saskatchewan's agri-food industry through the provision of food safety, quality, policy, regulatory, market and business development programs and services.

Policy - To provide public policy analysis, strategies, and agricultural information services that support and strengthen Saskatchewan’s agricultural production and processing sectors.

Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC) - Develop and deliver federal/provincial safety net risk management programs and services for the agriculture sector.

3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-5140
© 2000 Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.