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Saskatchewan is vast - 651,900 km2 (251,718 mi2) - larger than some European countries, and has almost half of Canada's total cultivated farmland. In 2003, total value of Saskatchewan crops exported, was 2,783 M; livestock exports was $110 M and the total value of products exported was almost $518 M.

  Recent Additions:
Estimate of Crop Production    10/25/2006
Statistics Canada’s September production survey of principal field crops estimates 2006 Saskatchewan production of grains, oilseeds, and some specialty crops at 24.45 million tonnes, down 1% from the 10-year average and down less than 1% from the July estimate.
check it out..

Agricultural Statistics   8/25/2006
Pigs on Farms   8/18/2006
Sheep on Farms   8/18/2006
Cattle on Farms   8/15/2006


3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-5140
© 2000 Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.