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Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives

December 2005

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Manitoba Agri-Ventures Initiatives (M.A.V.I.)
Online Project Application

If approved, this form becomes part of the contract.

A. Applicant


B. Contact Person (if different than above)


C. Funding

Funding amount requested from MAVI $
Dollar amount committed by the applicant and from all other sources of funding $
Total estimated project cost $
Note: Government assistance from all sources (municipal, provincial and federal combined) may not exceed 50% of total project funding.

D. Project Description

Type of Project (State the tangible product which will be delivered at the end of
this project, e.g. business plan, feasibility study, marketing plan, etc.
Project Title
Project Objective

F. Budget

Project Activities ( Include the name of contributor of funds, amount to be paid
by contributor and the amount requested from MAVI)

Expenditures | Contributor of Funds | Amt. Paid by Contributor | Amt. Requested from MAVI
G. Justification (Describe the background work you have done to prepare for this
project and your initial assessment of the market. State the benefits of this project in
terms of expected contribution to Manitoba's economy and the industry sector within
a framework of environmental awareness and social responsibility.)
Initial Market Assessment
Economic Market
Environmental Impact
Social Impact
H. Communication of Results (Briefly describe how you will meet the
requirement under MAVI to share project results with the overall
agriculture and agri-food industry.
Note: Failure to comply with all the application requirements may delay
processing of the application. Refer to the MAVI Application Package for
details about eligible projects, costs and restrictions to eligible costs and
other program requirements.

Confidentiality: The project title, objective, applicant name and amount of funding approved will be regarded as public information. Applicants should assume that all proposals and project information are public information unless confidentiality is otherwise negotiated between themselves and MAVI.





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