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Register for free to start using My workopolis tools:

  • Create and save up to 10 resumés (read some resumé tips)
  • Track personal job lists
  • Build and save job searches for re-use
  • Set up your own CareerAlert! and receive automatic e-mail notification of jobs fitting your search criteria

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There is no charge for these services. Many companies subscribe to to find qualified candidates.

Remember: you do not need to register if you only want to search for jobs

Saved Searches

You can build searches and save them so you can see the same type of results again and again. Also, whenever you search for jobs, you can save the search criteria.


CareerAlerts! are just like Saved Searches... except we e-mail you the results. Don't miss that perfect job. When was the last time a job found you?

My Job Lists

Keep only those job search results that interest you and add them to your personal job list.

Create and Manage Your Resumés

Write a few resumés. Build a few cover letters. Here you can manage your documents, and get ready to apply for jobs online with workopolis.

Your resumé will become searchable by the following list of companies.

Find Your Job

There are a few ways to find your perfect job. Our FastTrack pages let you search jobs by job title. Our Keyword search page lets you build your own searches

Manage Your Career in Our Resource Centre

Want to know how to protect and advance your career? Write a killer cover letter? Tap the hidden job market? Defend your legal rights? Drop in at our Resource Centre for career advice from our columnists and for news you can use.


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