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Ontario Genealogical Society Cemetery Transcriptions: Algoma District

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Cemetery Transcriptions Microfilm Listing for Algoma District
County/ District Municipality/ Geographic Location Cemetery Name and Location Microfilm Reel Number
Algoma District Aberdeen Twp. Aberdeen Cemetery, Con. 2, Lot 5, N 1/2

Poplar Dale Cemetery, Con. 6, Lot 2, S part

MS 451, Reel 45
Algoma District Aberdeen Twp. Rock Lake Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 3, S 1/2 MS 451, Reel 91
Algoma District Agounie Twp. Goudreau Cemetery, 1 km East of Goudreau MS 451,Reel 91
Algoma District Aguonie Twp. 1. Goudreau Cemetery, 1 m. east of Goudreau, n.e. of Wawa (rev. '74) MS 451, Reel 137
Algoma District Awenge Twp. Queen Street East Cemetery, Sault Ste. Marie City

Shingwauk Cemetery, Sault Ste. Marie City

MS 451, Reel 91
Algoma District Cobden Twp. Private Grave - Washburn Family Grave, Blind River, in back yard near river bank, 4 Dyke St. MS 451, Reel 52
Algoma District Day Twp. Day Mills Cemetery, Con. 3, Lot 3 MS 451, Reel 77
Algoma District Day Twp. Portage Pioneer Cemetery, Con. 2, Lot 3, N 1/2 MS 451,Reel 91
Algoma District Esquega Twp. Pine Grove Cemetery, Sect. 2, SE 1/4 MS 451, Reel 77
Algoma District Galbraith Twp. Dunns Valley Cemetery, Con. 2, Lot 3, N 1/2 MS 451, Reel 77
Algoma District Garden River Indian Reserve Garden River Indian Reserve Anglican Cemetery, 1.75 km south of HWY 17 MS 451, Reel 91
Algoma District Garden River Indian Reserve 1. Garden River Catholic Cemetery

2. Garden River Methodist Cemetery (data added to 6118)

MS 451, Reel 137
Algoma District Hilton Twp. Kaskawan Point Cemetery, Con. 9, Lot 14

St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Con. 16, Lot B

MS 451, Reel 45
Algoma District Hilton Twp. Grace United Church Cemetery, Con.. 17, Lot 1

St. Boniface Cemetery, Hilton Beach, Lot 74

MS 451, Reel 77
Algoma District Hunt Twp. White River United Church Cemetery, Sec. 16, SW 1/4 MS 451, Reel 77
Algoma District Jocelyn Twp. Holy Trinity Jocelyn Cemetery, Con. A, Lot 35

"Mountain" Maple Grove Cemetery, Con. 0, Lot B

Old Fort St. Joseph's Cemetery, Con. 6, Lot 80

MS 451, Reel 45
Algoma District Jocelyn Twp. Tenby Bay Cemetery, Con. 3, Lot 5 MS 451, Reel 77
Algoma District Jocelyn Twp. Wright Cemetery, Con. 0, Lot 12 MS 451, Reel 91
Algoma District Johnson Twp. Desbarats Cemetery, Con. 7, Lot 11, S 1/2 MS 451, Reel 77
Algoma District Johnson Twp. Mount Pleasant (Gordon Lake) Cemetery, Con. 4, Lot 4, N 1/2 MS 451, Reel 91
Algoma District Korah Twp. West Korah Cemetery, 1/2 mile north of Third Line W. on Allen's Side Road. This is now part of Sault Ste. Marie MS 451, Reel 45
Algoma District Korah Twp. Greenwood West Cemetery, Section 24, N 1/2 MS 451, Reel 91
Algoma District Korah Twp. 1. Old Greenwood Cemetery, Sault Ste. Marie (rev. '98)

2. New Greenwood Cemetery, Sault Ste. Marie (Secs. Index, A, B)

MS 451, Reel 137
Algoma District Korah Twp. 1. New Greenwood Cemetery, Sault Ste. Marie (Secs. C, D, E) MS 451, Reel 138
Algoma District Laird Twp. Laird Cemetery, Sect. 16, SW 1/4 MS 451, Reel 77
Algoma District Lendrum Twp. Hudson Bay Post Cemetery, Wawa, Sect. 35 SW 1/4 MS 451, Reel 77
Algoma District MacDonald Twp. Maple Leaf Cemetery, Sect. 30, S 1/2

Sylvan Valley Cemetery, Sect. 26, SE 1/4

MS 451, Reel 77
Algoma District McMurray Twp. St. Margaret Mary Cemetery, Wawa, Sect. 18, NE 1/4 MS 451, Reel 77
Algoma District Michipicoten 1. McKenzie Cemetery (location unknown - have contact name only)

2. Lighthouse keeper's grave (contact name only)

3. Gold Park Cemetery (contact name only)

MS 451, Reel 138
Algoma District Plummer Twp. Bruce Mines Cemetery on Trunk Road, east of the town of Bruce Mines

Plummer Cemetery, 2 1/2 miles west of Rydal Park, Con. 4, Lot 6

MS 451, Reel 45
Algoma District Plummer Twp. Maple Grove Cemetery, Con. 3, Lot 2

Sands Cemetery, Con. 5, Lot 1

MS 451, Reel 91
Algoma District Prince Twp. Hillside Cemetery, Section 34, NW 1/4

Prince Twp. Historical Cemetery, Section 36, NE 1/4

St. Aloysius R. C. Church Cemetery, Section 32, SW 1/4

MS 451, Reel 91
Algoma District St. Joseph's Twp. St. Joseph's Township Cemetery, Con. E, Lot 10 MS 451, Reel 45
Algoma District St. Joseph's Twp. Church of Mary Cemetery (St. Joseph's Mission Cemetery), Con. A, Lot 11 (Sailor's Encampment) MS 451, Reel 77
Algoma District Tarbutt Twp. Port Findlay Cemetery, Con. 6, Lot 5 MS 451, Reel 77
Algoma District Tarentorus Twp. Pine Grove Cemetery, Section 9, SE 1/4 MS 451, Reel 91
Algoma District Thompson Two. 1. Sunset/Dean Lake Roman Catholic Cemetery, Conc. 6, Lot 11, east of Ironbridge MS 451, Reel 138
Algoma District Unidentified location Maple Grove Cemetery and Sands Cemetery MS 451, Reel 1
Algoma District Wells Twp. 1. Goldenburgh Cemetery, Conc. 1, Lot 2

2. Wharncliffe United Cemetery, at Thessalon, Ont., Conc. 5, Lot 7

MS 451, Reel 138

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