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Ontario Genealogical Society Cemetery Transcriptions: Prince Edward County

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Cemetery Transcriptions Microfilm Listing for Prince Edward County
County/ District Municipality/ Geographic Location Cemetery Name and Location Microfilm Reel Number
Prince Edward County Ameliasburg Twp.

Albury Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 93

Carrying Place Cemetery. Con. 4

Consecon Cemetery, Con. 4 in village

Delong farm plot, Con. 2, Lot 91

Grove Cemetery, under hill, Ameliasburg

Old Pioneer Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 84

Post Family Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 66

Simmonds Cemetery, a.k.a. Massassaga Cemetery, Con. 2, Lot 61

Salem Cemetery, Con. 4, Lot 90

Mountainview Cemetery, at church 1/2 way up hill

Walbridge Cemetery, Con. 2, Lot 53

Way Family Cemetery, Con. 3 & 4, Lot 72

Moon Family Cemetery, Rossmore

Lawrence Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 64

Harrington Cemetery, Con. 2, Lot 74

MS 451, Reel 25
Prince Edward County Ameliasburg Twp.

Salem Cemetery, Con. 3, Pt Lot 90

MS 451, Reel 115
Prince Edward County Athol Twp.

Cherry Valley Cemetery, at church, village

Ketchum Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 11

Point Petre Lighthouse Cemetery, near lighthouse (no name)

MS 451, Reel 25
Prince Edward County Hallowell Twp.

Conger Chapel Cemetery, Picton, 1803-1889

Taken from files of an old Picton newspaper known as "Travllor & Hallowell Free Press", 1823-1836

MS 451, Reel 8
Prince Edward County Hallowell Twp.

Guernsey Cemetery, first farm past the Shannon Rd.

Glenwood Cemetery, Picton

Johnson burial ground, Con. 1, Lot 3

St. Mary Magdalene Church Cemetery, Picton

Mount Olivet R.C. Cemetery, Picton

Bowerman Hill Cemetery, Con. 1, Lots 17 & 18

Friends Cemetery, Bloomfield village

Hicksite Cemetery, Bloomfield village

McDonald Cemetery, S. Side, Lot 4

Orser Cemetery, Con. 2, Lot 15

Pettit Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 10

Stinson Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 15

Universal Cemetery, Bloomfield village

White Chapel Cemetery, a.k.a. Conger's Cemetery, North West, Lot 8

Blakely Family plot, Con. 2, Lot 6

MS 451, Reel 25
Prince Edward County Hallowell Twp.

Hicksite Friends Cemetery, Plan 2, Lots 154 & 155

MS 451, Reel 115
Prince Edward County Hillier Twp.

Burr U.E.L. Cemetery, Con. 5, Lot 75

Bowerman Church Cemetery, Con. 3, Lot 1

Christ Church Anglican Cemetery, Con. 3, Lot 100

Cameron Cemetery, S. Side Lot 32

Chadsey Cemetery, Lake Side, Lots 14-15

Locie Cemetery, Stinson Block, Lot 10

Pierson Cemetery, S. Side Lot 31

Wellington Village Cemetery, on Consecon Rd.

Weeks Family plot, Stinson Block, Lot 7

St. Francis of Rome R.C. Cemetery, Wellington

MS 451, Reel 25
Prince Edward County Hillier Twp.

Burr's Cemetery, Con. 5, Part Lot 75Christ Church Cemetery, Con. 3, Lot 17

MS 451, Reel 115
Prince Edward County North Marysburg Twp.

Black Creek Cemetery, Con. 2, Lot 1

Cressy Cemetery, Bay side, Lot 34

Minaker Farm Cemetery, Bay side, Lot 46

Keller farm Cemetery, Bay side, Lot 67

Ross Cemetery, Lake side, Lot 6

Rose Cemetery, Lake side, Lot 16

Turner farm Cemetery, Bay side, a.k.a. Hill farm Cemetery, Bayside, Lot 64

Waupoos Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery, Lake side, Lot 4

Waupoos Anglican Cemetery, Lake side, Lot 11

Allans Mill's Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 13

Prinyer Cemetery, Bay side, Lot 29

Stirling Grimmon farm Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 10

McDonnell farm Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 6

Dingman farm Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 39

Connor farm Cemetery, now at Creesey Cemetery

Storms Cemetery, a.k.a. Slater Cemetery, Con. B. S., Lot 26

Storms (Abandoned) Cemetery, Country Rd. 7

MS 451, Reel 25
Prince Edward County Sophiasburg Twp.

Bethel Cemetery, Gore D., Lot 45

Big Island Cemetery, Con. S. Side, Lot 7

Demorestville Cemetery, Demorestville

Eban Fox farm Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 34

Foster Cemetery, Con. 2, Lot 27

Gardiner Cemetery, , Con. 2, Lot 41

Gilbert Mills Cemetery, Con. 2, Lot 58

Lazier Cemetery, a.k.a. Cronk Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 17

Boulter farm Cemetery, Con. 1, Lots 36 & 37

Potter Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 50

Quaker Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 21

Roblin farm Cemetery, Con. 2, Lot 17

Roblin Mills Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 34

Ruttan Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 23

Solmes cemetery, a.k.a. Stickney Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 11

Whitney Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 59

Top of the Hill Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 40

Carman farm Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 44

Van Horn farm Cemetery, S. of Con. 1, Lot 1

Harmonius Fox farm Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 28

Daniel Way Cemetery, Con. 3, Lot 39

notes on miscellaneous cemeteries

MS 451, Reel 25
Prince Edward County South Marysburg Twp.

Milford Village Cemetery, Lot 24, North of Black Creek

Milford Village Cemetery, Milford Village, Mill Pond

South Bay Cemetery, Lot 19, MR 352647

Mack farm Cemetery, Lot 10

MS 451, Reel 26

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