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Ontario Genealogical Society Cemetery Transcriptions: Stormont County

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Cemetery Transcriptions Microfilm Listing for Stormont County
County/ District Municipality/ Geographic Location Cemetery Name and Location Microfilm Reel Number
Stormont County Cornwall City

Trinity Church Cemetery

MS 451, Reel 10
Stormont County Cornwall City

Religious Hospitallers of St. Joseph Cemetery, McConnell & Marleau

Nativité de la Bienheureuse Vierge Marie, reference sheet only

Trinity Anglican Church Cemetery, 2nd at York Street

Woodlawn Cemetery, Cumberland St.

MS 451, Reel 118
Stormont County Cornwall Twp.

List of cemeteries in Cornwall township (see under Glengarry County)

Maple Grove Cemetery, Con. 11, lot 17

Small Cemetery in Cornwall Twp., Lot 35, Con. 9

MS 451, Reel 10
Stormont County Cornwall Twp.

St. Andrew's R.C. Cemetery

MS 451, Reel 44
Stormont County Cornwall Twp.

Cornwall Centre Road (Graves Family), Cemetery, Con. 3, Lot 17

St. Andrews West - Old Cemetery, St. Andrews West

United Church Cemetery, Con. 9, Lot 35

MS 451, Reel 118
Stormont County Finch Twp.

Crysler Presbyterian Cemetery

Crysler Anglican Cemetery

Finch Cemetery

MS 451, Reel 10
Stormont County Finch Twp.

Crysler Presbyterian Cemetery, Con. 9, Lot 11

Finch Community Cemetery, Con. 2, Lot 14

St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Con. 10, Lot 13

MS 451, Reel 118
Stormont County Osnabruck Twp.

Lunenburg cemeteries

Dixon Cemetery

Pleasant Valley Cemetery

North Valley Cemetery

Sandtown Cemetery

Hawn Cemetery

Hillcrest Cemetery, a.k.a. Newington Cemetery

Berwick Cemetery

MacMillan Cemetery

small Cemetery, Con. 5, Lot 6

1. small Cemetery, Con. 7, Lot 9

MS 451, Reel 10
Stormont County Osnabruck Twp.

Dixon Cemetery, Con. 6, Lot 7

Hawn Cemetery, Con. 6, Lot 9

Hillcrest Cemetery at Newington, Con. 7, Lot 8

MacMillan Cemetery, Con. 8, Lot 27

Memorial Hill Cemetery, Con. 4, Lot 7

North Lunenburg Cemetery (Willis Cemetery), Con. 4, Lot 4

North Valley Cemetery, Con. 6, Lot 23

Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Con. 4/5, Lot 26

Sandtown Cemetery, Con. 8, Lot 20

Small cemetery, Con. 5, Lot 6, E 1 / 2

Waterdon (Fetterley) Cemetery, Con. 3, N End

Union Cemetery, Con. 7, Lot 9

MS 451, Reel 118
Stormont County Roxborough Twp.

Gravel Hill Cemetery

Avonmore Cemetery

All Saints Cemetery

MS 451, Reel 10
Stormont County Roxborough Twp.

All Saints Cemetery, Newington, Con. 1, Lot 37

Gravel Hill Cemetery (St. James Presbyterian), Con. 4, Lot 72

Paul's Hill Cemetery (Presbyterian/United), Con. 3, at Avonmore

Sixth Concession "Lodi" Cemetery, on road between Avonmore and Moose Creek

Tayside Cemetery, Con. 9, Lot 9

MS 451, Reel 118

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