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Ontario Genealogical Society Cemetery Transcriptions: Temiskaming District

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Cemetery Transcriptions Microfilm Listing for Temiskaming District
County/ District Municipality/ Geographic Location Cemetery Name and Location Microfilm Reel Number
Temiskaming District Argyle Twp.

Single grave - Indian (Tom Fox), see Baden Twp.)

MS 451, Reel 118
Temiskaming District Armstrong Twp.

Gospell Hall Cemetery, Con. 4, Lot 12

Cimetiere St. Jean Baptiste, Con. 4, Lot 7, town of Earlton

MS 451, Reel 118
Temiskaming District Baden Twp.

Matachewan Indian Reserve Burial Ground, south-west shore of Dog Lake

MS 451, Reel 118
Temiskaming District Barr Twp.

Mowat's Landing Cemetery, Con. 5, Lot 10

MS 451, Reel 118
Temiskaming District Brethour Twp.

Belle Vallée R. C. Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 10

Brethour Municipal Cemetery, Con. 3, Lot 7

MS 451, Reel 118
Temiskaming District Bucke Twp.

Veteran's Cemetery of Cobalt, Con. 2, Lot 13

MS 451, Reel 85
Temiskaming District Bucke Twp.

Cobalt Veterans Cemetery, Con. 2, Lot 13, Morrissette St., Haileybury

Haileybury R. C. Cemetery, Haileybury

Haileybury - Miscellaneous Grave Sites

Moore's Cove Cemetery (Holy Cross Parish), Haileybury

Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Con. 2, Lot 13, Haileybury

North Cobalt R. C. Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 12

Old Haileybury Cemetery, Con. 2, Lot 13, Haileybury

Old R. C. Cemetery, Con. 4, Lot 6/11 (included with Ste. Therese)

Ste. Therese Cimetiere, Con. 1, Lot 9

Silverland Cemetery (Mileage 104), Con. 1, Lot 10

MS 451, Reel 118
Temiskaming District Cairo Twp.

Fort Matachewan Cemetery (single graves in area)

Matachewan Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 12

MS 451, Reel 118
Temiskaming District Cane Twp.

St. Raymond's R. C. Cemetery, Con. 6, Lot 6

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Chamberlain Twp.

Zion Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery, Con. 5, Lot 3

MS 451, Reel 26
Temiskaming District Chamberlain Twp.

Howden Family Cemetery, Con. Rd 5

Northern Chevra Kadesha, Con. 5, Lot 1

Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Con. 5, Lot 3

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Coleman Twp.

Fiddler's Island (included with Latchford Pioneer)

Latchford Pioneer Cemetery (includes Fiddler's Island), Town of Latchford

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Dack Twp.

Charlton and District Public Cemetery, Lot 10, Con. 5

MS 451, Reel 74
Temiskaming District Dack Twp.

Brentha Cemetery, Con. 2, Lot 10, N 1/ 2

Charlton & District Public Cemetery, Con. 10, Lot 5, Town of Charlton

St. Stephen's R. C. Cemetery, Town of Charlton

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Dymond Twp.

New Liskeard Pioneer Cemetery, New Liskeard

New Liskeard R. C. Cemetery (Sacred Heart Parish), Con. 2, Lot 11, New Liskeard

Valleyview Cemetery, New Liskeard

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Evanturel Twp.

Englehart Cemetery, Con. 6, Lot 10, town of Englehart

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Gauthier Twp.

Robert Rhamey Brown - single grave, Upper Canada Mine, Dobie

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Gowanda Town

Abandoned Cemetery

MS 451, Reel 26
Temiskaming District Harley Twp.

Harley Twp. Cemetery, Con. 3, Lot 2

Thornloe Pioneer Cemetery, Con. 6, Lot 1

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Harris Twp.

Lakeview Cemetery, Con. 6, Lot 8

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Hearst Twp.

Larder Lake Cemetery, west of Larder Lake

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Henwood Twp.

Rosegrove Cemetery, Con. 4, Lot 5

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Hilliard Twp.

Hilliarton Cemetery

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Ingram Twp.

Ingram Twp. Cemetery, Con. 3, Lot 4

Ingram Twp. - Miscellaneous Family Graves, Tomstown

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District James Twp.

Elk Lake R. C. Cemetery, Con. 5, Lot 8

Old (closed) cemetery beside river - Elk Lake, Con. 4, Lot 4

Poplar Grove Cemetery, Con. 5, Lot 7

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Katrine Twp.

Beaverhouse Village Cemetery

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Kerns Twp.

Milberta Cemetery, Con. 2, Lot 3

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Lorrain Twp.

Austin/Bigelow/Bowers Cemetery, Con. 3, Lot 11

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Maisonville Twp.

Black - Biederman Family Plot, near Sesekinika village

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Marquis Twp.

Round Lake Cemetery, Con. 6, Lot 9

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Marter Twp.

Fraser Family Cemetery, Con. 1, Lot 4

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Nichol Twp.

Burk Lake

Gowganda Cemetery

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Sharpe Twp.

MacMillan Family Cemetery, Con. 1

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District South Lorrain Twp.

Bonin Family Cemetery

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Teck Twp.

Kirkland Lake Cemetery, HWYs 66 & 112

MS 451, Reel 119
Temiskaming District Truax Twp.

Charles H. Dee

MS 451, Reel 119

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