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Canada - BC Social Housing Agreement

On June 19, 2006, the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia signed the Canada - B.C. Social Housing Agreement transferring the administration of 51,600 social housing units to the Province of British Columbia.

The transfer will help streamline and simplify administration in B.C. and allow the province to provide access to housing services through one-window delivery. The province can use savings generated through the efficient use of federal funds to maintain the existing stock and to reinvest in housing for low income people.

Canada - B.C. Social Housing Agreement
The Canada - B.C. Social Housing Agreement is provided below in English in a PDF format. This is a fairly large document and will take a few minutes to download. 

In April 2007, a Letter of Agreement between Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and BC Housing was signed amending the Social Housing Agreement.  Click here to download the Letter of Agreement.

Une version française de l'accord social de logement est disponible en entrant en contact avec le Canada Mortgage et Housing Corporation . Cliquez ici pour aller à leur site Web pour l'information de contact.

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