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How to apply for subsidized housing

This section explains how to apply for subsidized housing. Subsidized housing vacancies are limited, and many thousands of people are waiting for housing. The Housing Registry allows individuals to apply once and express interest in a variety of housing developments listed on the registry. Each housing development not listed on The Housing Registry needs to be applied to directly.

To increase chances of being selected for a unit, we recommend that applicants include a wide range of developments from The Housing Registry on the application form as well as apply directly to developments not listed on the registry.

For information on programs that are available by referral only, including programs for seniors, individuals with mental illness or recovering from problematic substance use, please click here .

Step-by-step directions for applying to subsidized housing
Download a copy of the How to Apply brochure
Click here to download a copy of the How to Apply brochure.

Download a copy of Application for Accommodation.
Complete directions on how to download or obtain a copy of the Application for Accommodation can be found under Step 2 - Apply to The Housing Registry .

Programs with a separate application process
Some programs have a separate application process. For more information on how to apply to the following programs, please click the links below:

Information in other languages
A brochure providing information on who is eligible and how to apply for housing is available in English , Punjabi , Spanish , and  Vietnamese.