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Bid documents

Welcome current and potential bidders. Our Purchasing Department is responsible for purchasing goods and services at BC Housing, and handles Requests for Proposals and Public Bid Documents.

How to find bid documents
  • Current bid documents  provides a current list of BC Housing bid documents. The documents will appear with the most recent bid first.
  • Search bid documents allows users to search for bid documents by key word, geographical location, or the nearest BC Housing office.
  • Archive bid documents provides a list of previous bid documents.  Please note that all bid documents will archive two months after their closing date.
Notification of future bid opportunities
If you want to be notified of future bid opportunities with BC Housing, please register your business on the Supplier Registration System. And if you would like to be considered for invitational Bid Calls, or have questions about working with BC Housing, please contact our Purchasing Department . Or click here to email now.

BC Housing sends out an e-mail announcement each time a new bid document is posted on this website. By registering for the RFPs and Public Tender email notifications, you will receive the email announcements of when a new bid is posted on the site.


Information on BC Housing's Bid Call and Request for Proposal documents are also available at BC Bid .