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Housing provider kit

The Housing Provider Kit is designed to help non-profit societies and housing co-operatives manage subsidized housing developments. The kit includes ten guides:

  • Resident Relations Guide explains eligibility criteria for selecting applicants, common housing issues, a dispute resolution process, diversity, and participating in B.C.’s crime-free housing program.

  • Rent Calculation Guide explains how to calculate income and rent for tenants in rent-geared-to-income (RGI) units, where rent is based on total household income.

  • Administration Guide provides an overview of the legislation and legal agreements governing housing providers, record keeping, insurance requirements and a resource directory of websites with housing information and useful publications.

  • Emergency Preparedness describes how housing providers can plan for and respond to emergencies like a fire, earthquake, flood or major power outage.

  • Marketing Non-RGI Units outlines how to market non-RGI units in developments built through the Provincial Housing Program. Tenants pay rents comparable to private market rents for these units.

  • Financial Management Guide assists housing providers to handle the financial responsibilities of managing a subsidized housing development.

  • GST Guide for Social Housing Providers assists non-profit, co-operative and charitable housing providers understand how the federal Goods and Services Tax (GST) applies to subsidized housing developments.

  • Maintenance Guide assists housing providers set up maintenance systems for subsidized housing developments, including record keeping, regular building maintenance, inspections, warranties, and goods and service contracts.

  • Governance Guide assists housing providers create an effective governance model for subsidized housing developments.

  • Management Performance Guide helps housing providers maintain operating standards, understand the operational review process, use best practices, and meet standards for BC Housing’s financial review. 
The Housing Provider Kit guides are only available online. Each guide above has its own page on the website. From this page, housing providers can download the entire guide, a single chapter or access specific forms.

Register to receive Housing Provider Kit updates
Housing providers wishing to be notified of any updates to the Housing Provider Kit guides can do so by going to the Email notifications page and registering to receive new publication updates. BC Housing will then send you an email to let you know once the revisions are available online.

Individuals wishing to receive email notifications when news releases or new housing initiatives are posted to the website can register by going to the Email notifications page.