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Non-profit and co-op tenants

Many residents living in buildings managed by non-profit societies receive rent subsidies from BC Housing. Some of these residents are eligible to apply for BC Housing’s Bursary Program .

Useful resources
BC Housing provides subsidies to non-profit societies and housing co-operatives that run affordable housing developments. If you live in one of these buildings, you’ll find some useful information at the links below.

The BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA) was set up in 1993 to give a unified voice to the non-profit housing sector. BCNPHA takes the lead in representing the interests of the non-profit housing societies to government and the public.

The Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC) is an association of housing co-ops in British Columbia. CHF BC represents co-op housing to the government and public, and shares skills and information within the co-op housing sector.

This office provides landlords and tenants with information and dispute resolution services, and is part of the Ministry of Forests and Range and the Ministry Responsible for Housing.

The Tenants' Rights Action Coalition (TRAC) is a community-based coalition of groups and individuals working for B.C.'s one million tenants.

The Residential Tenancy Act spells out the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants, including the terms of tenancy agreements, rent increases, ending tenancy agreements, and the arbitration process for resolving disputes.

The Cooperative Association Act applies to all types of co-operatives in the province, not just housing co-ops, and governs areas such as membership, membership shares, voting at members’ meetings and dispute resolution procedures.