BC Housing
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Information for other renters

If you rent a private home that is NOT in public housing, non-profit or co-op development, here are some resources you may find useful:

Rental Assistance Program
The Rental Assistance Program provides rental assistance for low-income, working families with children under the age of 19 and a household income of less than $20,000. Housing assistance is paid directly to eligible households to assist these families in meeting monthly rent payments in the private market.

The SAFER program helps make rents affordable for BC seniors with low to moderate incomes. SAFER provides monthly cash payments to subsidize rents for eligible BC residents who are 60 and older.

This office provides landlords and tenants with information and dispute resolution services, and is part of the Ministry of Forests and Range and the Ministry Responsible for Housing.

The Residential Tenancy Act spells out the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants, including the terms of tenancy agreements, rent increases, ending tenancy agreements, and the arbitration process for resolving disputes.

 The Tenants' Rights Action Coalition (TRAC) is a community-based coalition of groups and individuals working for B.C.'s one million tenants.

City Hall
If your building has any of the following issues, please check first with your building manager:

  • Lack of running water
  • Electrical problems
  • Toxic waste or hazardous materials
  • Illegal parking on the street
  • Excessive noise from neighbours
 If the situation is still not resolved, your local city hall might be of some assistance.

 Look in the Blue Pages of your phone book for the phone number of the city hall in your community.

Your local health authority can help if you have a problem that puts your health at risk such as:

  • Your water is not safe to drink
  • There are dangerous odours or chemicals in the building
  • Decomposing garbage or waste is lying around
  • There is a rodent or insect problem
Click on the website above for contact information.